Jagadek Meesala
3 min readJul 25, 2023

These days we were listening about many technologies and when it comes to me, I am over whelmed listening to the names of those technologies🤯

So, here are the Top 2 Technologies that you have to know in 2023.

Artificial Intelligence & Automation

Before going deep into the 2 technologies, let us briefly talk about AI and Automation and how they are different and related to each other.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The ability of a machine to think and perform like a human is known as AI. These days AI is everywhere and it is reaching the depths and heights where humans cannot reach.
AI can be as simple as a voice assistant like Siri, Alexa which virtually brings the world to your hands and also can be as complex as ChatGPT and Bing which can answer each and every question that you shoot to it.

AI is the major component from which the other trending technologies like Machine Learning, Deep Learning were eventually evolved.

AI is the main reason for other trends.

AI is divided into various categories based on the amount and complexity of the tasks that it can perform.
- Based on capabilities. (Narrow AI, General AI, Super AI)
- Based on functionalities. (Reactive Machines, Theory of Mind, Self-Awareness)

some trending applications of AI -

  • Robotics
  • Healthcare
  • Autonomous Vehicles

While this is all that we have to know about AI, What is Automation?
Is Automation not a part of AI?



Automation is nothing but making a machine do a task with minimal human intervention.

The best example of automation is — consider a machine in an icecream factory.
The machines in the factory are automated in a way that they put the equal amount of ice cream into each cone or each pack.

Example of Automation.

Automation is a concept that has been introduced to reduce man made errors and to reduce burden on mankind.
Automation is a concept that is used to deliver quality services and products to the customers and when it is added to the booming technologies, it has made the production industry where the technology is involved even more better and clear.

There are 4main types of Automations

  • Fixed automation
  • Programmable automation
  • Flexible automation
  • Integrated automation

AI is in everything straight from the mobile you check while you wake up to the car you drive and the TV you watch, it has become a part of our lives, then how is it related to Automation?

Usually AI and Automation are closely related and go hand in hand.

AI 🤝Automation

One very good example to observe the mixture of AI and Automation is employing an AI Chatbot for taking queries and responding in a software company comes under AI & Automation. Where AI Chatbot does it work using automated techniques, that streamlined the process and reduced human interaction.

Examples of AI & Automation together are
- Intelligent Automation
- Decision Making
- Data Analysis and Insights
- Predictive maintenance

Conclusion —

Most of the cases AI is Automated. So automation is used where AI is used, but AI cannot be used in all cases where automation is used.

AI is mostly dependent on Automation.

These are the 2 technologies that can help you to advance in your careers. Now what about Data Science???

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