SQL Island- Learn SQL in a fun Way

Jagadesh Jamjala
2 min readFeb 15, 2024

SQL Island is a fun and interactive way to learn the basics of SQL (Structured Query Language), a programming language used to manage and retrieve data from relational databases.

Here’s how you can get started with SQL Island:

What you’ll need:

  • Basic understanding of computers and the internet: No prior knowledge of SQL is required.
  • Web browser: Chrome, Firefox, or any other modern browser will work.

How to begin:

  1. Visit the website: Head to https://sql-island.informatik.uni-kl.de/.
  2. Choose your language: The game is available in English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

By Default the Game is in English

  • Go the Menu options on top left
  • Click on “Sprache Wechseln” — Change language
  • Click on the language you need

3. Start your adventure: Click “Begin Journey” to be transported to the mysterious SQL Island.



Jagadesh Jamjala

Jagadesh Jamjala #Data Engineer #Data Enthusiast #SQList