Genesis Vibes

3 min readJan 9, 2022


You were born into Shangri-La, a perfect paradise with no sin and all your investments moon. You are so rich that money doesn’t even matter anymore. Everything you could ever want is there for you, and in abundance. There is the hope for a better world because it’s here right in front of your eyes, you just have to know what you want and go after it. Push yourself to the limits, surprise yourself, do something amazing.

Today is a huge day for pepe lovers everywhere. Pepe Fan art can become a commercial enterprise. Matt Furie is focused on his own projects only but there will be no legal issues if the community sells pepe fan art. We intend to respect Matt Furie’s wish to only spread love and harmony. His own project offers some of the most stunning animated cartoons the world has ever seen available in NFT form. There will be 103 Rare Pepes in total including 3 Dazzlers. ✨

Pegz 103, the final dazzler, owned by legendary collector Vincent Van Dough.

Now I get messages from strangers asking me to check their pepe at all hours of the night. So I guess you could say things are going a little differently than expected. 🔎

There is a huge opportunity for us to accomplish something amazing together and we are only scratching the surface of what’s possible. We want to enable unlimited creativity for artists. And we want to keep these good vibes going for long into the future, potentially forever.

My vision for the future involves fractionalizing my entire digital art collection, something which has never been done before, and using these resources to empower creators.

If we fractionalize, we would create a cryptocurrency backed by $10m+ in reserve art assets, redeemable for memes. Pepes as a commercial enterprise is my endgame. I want to pursue pepe aesthetics for the rest of my life. I love my job and I love my meme lifestyle. 💯

We are still considering our options. If fractionalizing isn’t a good idea, we can talk about starting a DAO, similar to the TungstenDAO model, where we pay artists for their work and split each auction with them 50/50.

We are working day and night to bring the latest and greatest advancements for pepe lovers everywhere. We’ve got your back. 24/7. In fact.. I think now is the time to unveil to the world, the ultimate pepe experience on Earth. Hint: It’s not on Earth, it’s in outer space! 🪐

Ambition is what drives us. Our mission is to launch a pepe into space, and it would be mondo kek. If we can put a man on the moon, you damn well better believe that we can put a pepe in outer space, we have the technology, it’s science. I will cry with laughter knowing a small, sacred place on a space bound vessel has been utilized and reserved for something so important, so critical to the advancement of mankind. Pepe in outer space, LFG!

All jokes aside, it’s within our power to make this happen, so we’ll see what we can do about sending pepe starbound, more on that topic later. What’s clear to me is that NFTs have only begun. It’s still a nascent market and the space is evolving rapidly, better marketplaces will come online, gas prices will go down and the process will be easier for our normie friends to sign up without remaining too encumbered by the onboarding process. The future is bright.

I understand this post might leave a lot more questions than it leaves answers, that’s OK for now. The pepe market is fluid and we are constantly going in different directions.. more will be revealed soon, just wanted to share my thoughts and open the table for discussion. Keep up the great work, frog family. You’re doing awesome.

Don’t let your dreams be memes. Live life to the extreme. We come from the same group of people who partied with McAfee. And today we party extra hard because he can’t, R.I.P.

