Between IQ, EQ, and SQ

6 min readJul 4, 2019


History of the relevance of IQ, EQ and SQ.

Intelligence Quotient or commonly referred to as IQ is the term from the first grouping of human intelligence introduced by Alferd Binet, a psychologist from France in the early 20th century.

IQ Brain and Heart

Then Lewis Ternman from Stanford University tried to standardize the IQ test developed by Binet by developing population norms, so that the IQ test was then known as the Stanford-Binet test. In his time intellectual intelligence (IQ) was a single intelligence from each individuals who basically only relate to the cognitive aspects of each individual.

Intellectual intelligence (IQ) is believed to be a standard measure intelligence for years. Even today there are still many parents who expect their children to be smart, born with IQ (intelligence quotient) above the normal level (more than 100). Thank God that you can be a superior child with an IQ above 130. Hope this is certainly valid.

In the IQ paradigm there is an almost or genius category if someone has an IQ above 140. Albert Einstein is a scientist whose IQ is mentioned more than 160. However, in the next journey people observe, and experience shows, not a few people with high IQs, successful in studies, but less successful in career and work.

From that reality, then someone concludes, IQ is important to get a job, but then it becomes less important to step on the career ladder. To step on the career ladder, there are a number of other elements that are more instrumental. For example, what manifests in how far a person can work in a team, how much he can tolerate differences, and how flexible he is to communicate and capture other people’s body language. The element is indeed not included in the aptitude test that he obtained when looking for work.

The question around this was then answered when Daniel Goleman published the book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (1995). Previously, experts also understood that intelligence is not solely in the ability to answer math or physics questions.

Intelligence can be found when someone easily learns music and tools, even for someone who is very good at playing racquets or kicking balls. There are also those who think intelligence is the ability to adapt to the environment, and others think intelligence is the ability to think abstractly and so on.

Then from various research results, it has been proven that Emotional intelligence has a much more significant role than intellectual intelligence (IQ). Brain intelligence (IQ) is only limited to the minimum requirements for success, but emotional intelligence is actually (almost entirely proven) eading someone to the peak of achievement.

Evidently there are many people who have high intellectual intelligence, slumped in the midst of competition. Conversely, many people whose intellectual intelligence is mediocre, actually succeed in becoming performance stars, successful entrepreneurs, and leaders in various groups. This is where emotional quotient (EQ) proves its existence.

EQ is a new term popularized by Daniel Goleman. Based on the results of research by neurologists and psychologists, Goleman (1995) concluded that every human being has two potential thoughts, namely rational thoughts and emotional thoughts. Rational thinking is driven by intellectual abilities or popularly known as “Intelligence Quotient” (IQ), while emotional thoughts are excited by emotions.

EQ is a series of abilities to control and use emotions, as well as self-control, enthusiasm, motivation, empathy, social skills, cooperation, and adjusting to the environment.

With the development of brain-imaging technology, which is a technology that now helps scientists map the human heart, further strengthening our belief that the brain has a rational and emotionally dependent part of it.
After that, when someone with the ability of EQ and IQ gets success and success, it is often ambushed by a feeling of “empty” and empty in the inner gap of his life. After the peak achievement has been established, when all the satisfaction of the difference has been achieved, after the hard earned money is in his hand, he no longer knows where to go.

For what did all the achievements have been achieved? enslaved by money and time without knowing and understanding where to stand?

This is where spiritual intelligence or commonly called SQ appears to complement IQ and EQ in everyone. Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall define spiritual intelligence as intelligence to deal with the problem of meaning or value, namely intelligence to place our behavior and life in the context of broader and richer meanings, intelligence to judge that a person’s actions or way of life are more meaningful than others.

Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is intelligence that acts as the foundation needed to function IQ and EQ effectively. Even SQ is the highest intelligence in us. From the statement, it is clear that SQ alone cannot solve the problems discussed earlier, because it also requires a balance of emotional and intellectual intelligence.

So should IQ, EQ and SQ in each person be able to proportionally synergize, produce the strength of the soul-body full balance. From the statement, it can be seen an ESQ model which is a balance of Body (Physical), Mind (Psychic) ​​and Soul (Spiritual), as below:

Indicators and measuring instruments IQ, EQ and SQ.

Based on experience, there are no clear indicators and measuring tools to measure or assess the intelligence of each individual, except for intellectual intelligence or IQ, in this context a test is commonly known as a psychotest to determine a person’s IQ level, but the test cannot absolutely stated as one of his identity because of the level a person’s intellectual can always change based on his mental age and chronological age.

As for emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ), until now there has been no tool that can measure it clearly because the two intelligences are qualitative rather than quantitative.

As with intelligence measurement, indicators of people who have IQ, EQ and SQ also have no clear provisions, so that to know someone has intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence is usually seen from the things that usually exist in people who have IQ, EQ and SQ are high and are seen based on the classification of intelligence.

People who have high intellectual intelligence (IQ) can be seen apart from the results of the test, can also be seen carrying usually the person has mathematical ability, has the ability to imagine space, look around in a series or whole, can find the relationship between a form with other forms, have the ability to recognize, connect, and string words and find relationships between one word and another word, and also have a pretty good memory.

A person with high emotional intelligence (EQ) is indicated as having things as follows:
- Self-awareness, self-control, trustworthiness, adaptability and creative spirit.
- Can empathize, be able to understand the feelings of others, be able to control conflict, can work together in teams
- Able to get along and build a friendship,
- Can influence other people,
- Willing to assume responsibility,
- Dare to aspire,
- highly motivated,
- always optimistic,
- Have great curiosity, and
- Nice to organize and organize activities.

As with the indicators of people who have IQ and S that are high enough above, people who have high spiritual intelligence cannot be seen easily because they return to the sense of SQ, which is a person’s ability to solve problems of meaning and value, to place behavior and our lives in the context of broader and richer meanings, and judging that the life path we choose has more meaning than others, from that it can be seen that spiritual intelligence is a skill that is more personal, so that all return to the individual itself and to its relationship with the Creator.

Any effort that we can do to optimize IQ, EQ, and SQ. In addition to adequate and balanced nutritional intake into the body, to optimize intellectual intelligence or IQ can be sought by training 7 primary abilities of general intelligence, namely:
1. Verbal understanding,
2. Fluency uses words,
3. Number ability,
4. Ability of space,
5. Ability to remember,
6. Speed ​​of observation,
7. reasoning ability.

To optimize one’s emotional intelligence (EQ) can be done by honing each individual’s emotional intelligence which includes:
- Get used to determining feelings and not quickly assess other people / situations
- Getting used to feeling when making decisions
- Train yourself to describe concerns
- Getting used to understanding other people’s feelings
- Practicing self shows empathy
- Training is responsible for his own feelings
- Train yourself to manage feelings well
- Facing things positively.
Whereas to optimize or function spiritual intelligence can with the following efforts:

a. Use spiritual aspects in dealing with and solving problems relating to meaning and value
b. Through religious education
c. Train yourself to see something with your heart’s eye.

