Projects of an NGO

Jagruti Bandaru
3 min readAug 2, 2023


The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.

-Leo Tolstoy

Dear Readers,

NGOs or Non-Governmental Organizations are organizations that are not concerned with government affairs. While some are profit-based, most of them are non-profit-based. The intention behind any NGO is to provide services to people in need and act as a kind of public advocate. While taking up numerous causes, they also act as an intermediary between the government and the people, voicing the public’s concerns and trying their level best to alleviate said concerns. The issues addressed by NGOs cover a plethora of human concerns i.e. human rights, environmental protection, disaster relief, development assistance, etc.

NGOs are comprised of individuals who work collectively towards a common goal- to be of service to others. Though NGOs may differ in terms of the cause they are representing, their size, or their location, all of them contribute towards developing the country by bettering people’s lives.

Projects undertaken by NGOs vary and by taking some real-time examples, let us look at these various projects:

  1. Education-based projects: Here NGOs aim to spread awareness about the importance of education. Nelson Mandela himself said, “Education is the most important weapon with which you can change the world”. NGOs like Suvidha Foundation seek to spread this message and help people be viable to get better opportunities in life.
  2. Healthcare-based projects: Here NGOs focus on providing quality medical care to the people; giving access to medical facilities; selling medicine and other necessary drugs at an affordable price; setting up medical camps; spreading awareness about sanitation and hygienic facilities. Once again, Suvidha Foundation, as well as Smile Foundation, take up projects to help people lead healthy lives.
  3. Alleviating poverty-based projects: A lot of people struggle with financial issues. So much so that they are unable to feed starving children and cannot even buy necessities. NGOs undertake these projects to raise funds to donate to people, or they readily distribute food, clothes, and water to help them.
  4. Environment conservation projects: These NGOs take up numerous projects like protecting wildlife, spreading awareness about afforestation, and protecting endangered species. NGOs like Wildlife Trust of India, and Goonj all carry out important roles in conserving the biodiversity in India.
  5. Disaster relief-based projects: These NGOs sometimes function as first responders when natural disasters unexpectedly strike. They are capable of helping victims during a disaster as well as afterward when victims are trying to rebuild their lives again. These projects also play an important role because the effectiveness of the project determines how many lives could be changed.
  6. Women empowerment-based projects: Although times have now changed for the better, there are still some parts of India that are still stuck with the same mindset that women should be confined to the house and are only capable of doing housework. NGOs take up projects intending to help women transform and become self-reliant. They do this by teaching skills, hosting workshops, funding their future endeavors, providing them with the education that they were not able to receive, etc. Suvidha Foundation and Shanti Sahyog NGOs are examples of NGOs that strive for women’s empowerment.
  7. Child Welfare-based projects: These NGOs mostly strive to provide quality education to children who are deprived of it due to varying reasons. These NGOs also aim to alleviate child labor and child malnourishment.
  8. Youth development-based projects: These NGOs undertake projects that help to empower youth. This is done through skill-based workshops, scholarships, funding for future endeavors, etc.
  9. Refugees and Migration Support-based projects: NGOs may provide assistance and support to refugees and migrants, including shelter, healthcare, and integration programs.

Therefore, because NGOs take up such noble causes and help humanity, they should be supported and should be allowed to grow so that they can reach more people.

To learn more about Suvidha Foundation, click on the below links:





