Southern University family traditions are being threatened during this legislative session

Jaguar Advocacy Group
1 min readJun 21, 2018


Without full funding of TOPS, students like Alacia won’t be able to continue family legacies in #HigherEd.

Are you a legacy of Southern University? If so, please call your legislators and express the need to provide a stabilized #highered budget and fully funded TOPS program. Tell your story and how Southern University has provided your family a quality education, traditions, and a pathway of endless opportunities.

Even you are not a Southern University legacy, please contact your legislators and voice your support for higher education. Let’s make our students and their education a priority in Louisiana. Push legislators to keep their promises.#FightForTops #LaLege #WeAreSouthern



Jaguar Advocacy Group

The Jaguar Advocacy Group (JAG) strives to keep students, parents, alumni and other supporters abreast of issues that affect the five campuses of the SU System.