Writing Your Own Love Story

Jagir Reehal
5 min readNov 13, 2019

Your love story is yours to write, and it can be anything you want

Image by Sushuti from Pixabay

I don’t watch that much TV, but if required to do so, I’ll watch something with the family. Occasionally, when I’m alone, I’ll watch something off the beaten track.

Belle de Jour

When Amazon Prime propositioned me with the 1967 film Belle de Jour, I had to watch it. The film was compulsory viewing because:

  • It stars Catherine Deneuve — I’ve been a long time fan of her. She’s one of those people who, in their prime, are effortlessly beautiful — like the late Grace Kelly used to be.
  • It’s a French film — I love foreign movies with subtitles. They provide a different cultural perspective, and because I have to focus on the subtitles, I follow the film more closely. No phone action while I’m watching foreign movies.
  • I love old films — the way actors speak, the acting, the sets and the lack of modern facilities that we now take for granted all transport me back to my childhood.

Without giving too much away, the film is about a beautiful French woman who is married to a doctor. On the surface, they seem to be happily married. However, she appears to be frigid, and he is pre-occupied with work. She ends up working in a brothel, and that’s about all that I’ll tell you. This…



Jagir Reehal

Hypnotherapist, author, writer, musician, truth seeker and personal development aficionado. Advocate for spirituality, world peace, love and unity. We are one.