2 min readApr 21, 2023


Photo by Raoul Droog on Unsplash

I wish I was a cat.
Oh how simple life would be!
I would eat without worrying of being fat,
I would sleep and when awake chase a passing bee.

I would sleep and eat and play,
And nobody would think it odd.
I would eat without having to pay,
And still be adored not scorned.

I’d kill but not be charged for a crime.
I would jump from places several storeys high,
And elegantly land on my feet every time.
I’d be fearless, having eight more lives on stand by.

I wish I was a cat;
With nothing much to do,
Except to chase the occasional rat,
And be hailed a hero when I catch one or two.

I wish I was a cat,
With neither worry nor care.
I would be petted and be called cute.
Oh Life could’ve been so much fun and fair.

