Weekly Review Questions

Questions I use for my weekly review

Jah Ying Chung
2 min readDec 21, 2019


Part 1: Analysis

What is one of my most significant accomplishments from last week? It might help to think about the most important goals or objectives you have set for yourself. In what ways did you make meaningful progress towards them this week?

What surprised me? Have I updated my thinking?

What is one thing I learned this past week that I will be able to apply going forward? There will be weeks when your learnings represent significant shifts in your worldview, and other times when the lessons are much more nuanced. What counts is your awareness of what you are learning.

What opportunities are still on the table? Is there anything you can do to take advantage of (or better understand) these opportunities?

Part 2: Actions

What was last week’s biggest time sink? What can you do this week to avoid giving up so much of your valuable time to things that aren’t meaningfully productive?

What created stress or anxiety?

What is one thing I can do right now to make this coming week less stressful? If it can be done in 3 minutes or less, pause your reflection and do it now. For example, you could schedule your workouts for the week.

What have I been avoiding that needs to get done? You know what you need to do but are avoiding. Make a clear plan for when and how you are going to get it done. If it will take 3 minutes or less, do it now.

Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to speak with? Make room for the important conversations that you know you need to have. You might benefit from spending 3 minutes right now taking notes on what you’d like to discuss. Who are the most important people in your life up to, and how can you support their efforts?

Part 3: Closing

What are my big 3 for the week? or

What is the most important thing I need to accomplish this week? If you imagine yourself one week from now doing this reflection, what would you like to be able to say (for your own personal reasons) that you were able to accomplish?

What am I most grateful for?

What one thing, if accomplished, would make next week amazing?



Jah Ying Chung

Figuring out how to design orgs and ecosystems to do the most good. Geeks out on “life ops”. Past lives: edtech founder + climate campaigner @ China & SE Asia.