12 Week Crypto Challenge

Jaide Barclay
2 min readMar 1, 2019


Hi everyone. Welcome to my 12 Week Crypto Challenge. I will be posting weekly with an update on my previous weeks adventures living only on cryptocurrency. My challenge starts today! The 2nd of March 2019 and ends on the 18th of May. During this 12 week period I’ll be visiting 13 cities within 6 countries so I’ll be continually on the lookout for new restaurants, cafes, airbnbs, hotels, ubers, taxis and more that accept crypto. I have no idea what the next 12 weeks of my life are going to be like which makes it all the more exciting. I hope you enjoy my weekly posts, I would love to hear suggestions from you guys on crypto friendly places or services I should check out. The cities I will be in during the 12 week period are:

Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Singapore, Bali, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston & New York.

There are a few things I prepaid before my challenge to prepair myself. Firstly I filled my car up. Since I’m not going to be home much for the next few months, I think I should get by on 1 tank of fuel. I’ve paid for most of my flights and accommodation but not all so there will be a few I need to organise next month.

Hong Kong is my first stop, I’ll be there from the 4th of March until the 17th so I’m looking forward to seeing just how crypto friendly it is. I’m home on The Gold Coast for the next 48 hours where I have found a total of 1 restaurant that accepts crypto!! It looks like I’ll be staying in this weekend and having to make-do with a Nespresso to start my weekend :( I would really love a nice strong barista coffee to kick off my Saturday but it’s all part of the challenge. Looks like i’ve got some serious converting to do!

Check out my instagram for more regular updates and pics @jaideb18

