Day 27: George Jones, He Stopped Loving Her Today

☕️ Coffee With Jaimee
Music Wormholes
Published in
1 min readFeb 28, 2015
My dad’s Martin.

My dad used to sing this song while playing his guitar. I never really listened to the lyrics but he sang it from his heart, every time. The song came on the radio a few months after my dad passed away and I finally heard the song. In that moment, I understood the song’s meaning. Now, every single time I hear it, I’m back in that moment of sadness, appreciation, and understanding.

Read #wormholes Day 28→



☕️ Coffee With Jaimee
Music Wormholes

Writer, Doodler, Professional Experimentalist. Living + Learning Out Loud. Author of 12 Ways to Be Better to Work With. Made: PictureThisClothing.com