Dr. Unnatti Jain
4 min readDec 19, 2017


A smile from the heart will enlighten the world!

Self- love, an emotion very often overlooked due to the paucity of time, when responsibilities, work, and just life comes in the way.

A simple but a paramount reason to practice love for your yourself to manifest bliss because, if you don’t love yourself you cannot love anyone else. It is often considered a selfish emotion to put yourself before anyone else, I say, NO it is an emotion which needs to transmitted to ourselves before we can address the world. Respect, trust, and commitment are the three pillars on which our inner self rests and on which our relationships stand tall.

Let us honor them for ourselves before we honor these in our relationships.

What is Self- love?

The ability to be able to love yourself as a part of the universe, to honor and respect every inch of yourself by practicing starting the day with a positive affirmation “I am complete within myself.”

Treating yourself kindly, rather than harshly. Spreading that peace and smile which you radiate to the world because you radiate from within. Our thoughts manifest in our personality.

There is nothing better than investing in yourself because all the things that you would like to share with your family and loved ones begin with you. There are plenty of techniques out there on how to practice self-love, but it is imperative that we first understand the question behind the action. Loving oneself is a complete loss of ego, beginning of humility, oozing compassion because you know what it is to hurt.

The people who lose all the ego and are humble have been through the toughest lessons in life and can view the world as an energetic plane. They have the power to shift the vibration in the room simply by your presence. Full of yourself does not mean you are egoistic; it just means you know who you are and you accept yourself with all your faults.

Acceptance of yourself is acceptance of the world with all its faults. Recognize people with energy, transform your surroundings with your radiance.

Self — love is not a destination; it is a journey of acknowledging and respecting your physical and emotional being and attempting to become an improved version of YOU every single day.

Playing a blame game is easy, this is when relationships fall apart. Step into the unknown and understand that the only person responsible for you is yourself.

Practice “Kumbhaka”- the pause when your mind wanders and tell yourself, this too shall pass.

You are a gift to yourself, acknowledge it, embrace it and celebrate each day, like it’s the last day on earth.

Tell yourself: “I will do one simple thing for myself, each day which may mean disconnecting from everyone around you and stepping into nature to connect with yourself.” And see the world changing around you. “Be YOU the world will adjust.”

The world will look at you the way you look at yourself. If you are battling a difficult situation with a loved one, practice “Kumbhaka”- the pause, revisit and attempt to make it better to the best of your ability. Don’t worry about what others think!

They will learn to love you because you love yourself. Join me on this journey of making this world a better place for every one of us, just because we are all one, we share the same energy, the same vibration. Do one thing for someone each day without expectations and see the law of karma reflect the goodness of your heart back to you. Your body is a reflection of your mind. Let’s make these two sync together to create a harmonious “US”. Its where liberation begins.

I am a big fan of Brené Brown and was reading her book “Daring Greatly” the third time last week, thought would share the wonderful Brené ‘s quote with you, “ Wholeheartedness. There are many tenets of Wholeheartedness, but at its very core is vulnerability and worthiness; facing uncertainty, exposure, and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough.

You are your best friend, dear reader! Let us join our two hands together each morning to offer gratitude to the world around us for making us stronger each day of our lives. The light in me honors the light in you and the divine in mine honors the divine in you. Let there be peace, let there be light.

Let there be peace, let there be light!


Yours truly,


U & J stands for the unity within myself Unnatti and Jain form the person I am. What do your initials mean to you?



Dr. Unnatti Jain

Parent-Teen Transformational life coach. My mission is to train young minds to draw their maximum potential.