Recognize AI as Augmented Intelligence

Ramesh Jain
10 min readJun 14, 2023
Human machine partnership created using DALL·E. A humanoid robot is helping a senior person in crossing the road.

Technology has always been a driving force of human progress. From the first tools to the latest gadgets, technology has helped us do things that would have been impossible without it. It has made our lives easier, more efficient, and more productive. It has also helped us solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as disease and hunger. The history of human civilization is inextricably linked to the development of technology.

Whenever a new technology emerges, it triggers two of the most important human emotions: hope and fear. We are currently experiencing a more intense version of this phenomenon in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). Some people are extremely optimistic about the potential of AI to solve many of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and disease. They believe that AI could usher in a new era of prosperity and well-being for all. Others are deeply worried that AI could lead to the extinction of humanity. They argue that AI could become so intelligent that it surpasses human intelligence and decides that humans are a threat.

So, how can we develop AI in a way that maximizes hope and minimizes fear? I believe that the key is to recognize AI as an augmentation of intelligence, not a replacement for human intelligence. AI should be perceived and used to amplify our strengths and help us solve problems that we could not solve on our own. AI should be considered our assistant, not our replacement.

Two distinct approaches to technology, augmentation and artificiality, have played pivotal roles in technological evolution. Each approach offers unique ways to empower and transform human potential. Augmentation enhances existing capabilities through the integration of technology. It leverages our innate abilities and seeks to refine and extend them.

Artificially, on the other hand, creates entirely new capabilities, transcending the limitations of what was previously possible.

Both augmentation and artificiality have the potential to transform human life for the better. However, it is important to remember that both approaches also have the potential to be misused. It is up to us to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in a way that benefits humanity.

By understanding the difference between augmentation and artificiality, and by exploring their roles and interplay, we can better understand how they can be used to shape the future landscape of the way we live and work.

Augmentation: Enhancing Human Capabilities

Augmentation serves as a powerful tool for enhancing human capabilities. By leveraging technology to extend and refine our innate abilities, augmentation empowers us to push boundaries, achieve greater efficiency, and unlock new potential. Augmentation optimizes and refines our existing capabilities, enriching our lives by enhancing the way we interact with the world.

Reading stones were used to augment vision in the 9th century.

Numerous examples illustrate the impact of augmentation on human capabilities. Consider the invention of eyeglasses, a simple yet transformative advancement that has improved the lives of billions. Eyeglasses correct vision and bring the world into focus. By augmenting ability to see clearly, they enhance daily activities, enrich experiences, and open doors to new possibilities.

In the medical field, robotic surgical tools showcase the power of augmentation in enhancing human precision and expanding the frontiers of medical procedures. By augmenting human dexterity and reducing the margin for error, these tools revolutionize the field of surgery, leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced healthcare practices.

In the field of healthcare, computers have played a vital role in augmenting medical diagnostics and research. Advanced imaging technologies, such as MRI and CT scans, coupled with computer-aided analysis, enhance the accuracy and speed of medical diagnoses.

From the advent of calculators to the proliferation of modern computer systems, computers have played a pivotal role in augmenting our abilities, empowering us to accomplish cognitive tasks more efficiently and effectively. The earliest forms of computer-aided services can be traced back to the introduction of calculators, augmenting human mental abilities and revolutionizing fields such as science, engineering, and finance.

As computers advanced, their capacity to augment human capabilities expanded exponentially. Computer-aided design (CAD) software, for instance, empowers engineers and architects to create intricate designs and visualize concepts with greater precision and efficiency. This technology augments their ability to transform ideas into tangible products or structures. Word processing, slide preparation, spreadsheets, and photo-processing have revolutionized how we express and articulate.

Computer-aided services have transformed the way we connect to and exchange information. Email, instant messaging, and video conferencing platforms have augmented traditional modes of communication, enabling rapid and global connectivity. Computer-aided services continue to push the boundaries of augmentation, revolutionizing various industries and aspects of human life. By embracing technology, augmentation elevates our potential and shapes a future where our abilities are enhanced, refined, and harnessed to their fullest extent.

Artificiality: Creating New Functionalities

At the forefront of technological innovation lies artificiality, a concept that introduces innovations that enable us to do things in entirely new ways, independent of human capability. While artificial intelligence (AI) has been catching enormous excitement and angst, notable examples from the industrial age demonstrate that artificiality existed even before the advent of computers.

During the industrial age, mechanical systems emerged as powerful examples of artificiality. The invention and widespread adoption of automated machinery revolutionized industries and propelled the shift from manual labor to automated production. Factories employed intricate mechanical systems to automate tasks, increasing efficiency, productivity, and precision.

The Jacquard loom, invented in 1801, could be considered a precursor to artificial intelligence (AI). The loom used punched cards to control the weaving process, which allowed for the creation of complex patterns that would have been impossible to weave by hand.

One remarkable example of artificiality during the industrial age is the development of the Jacquard loom. This weaving machine introduced a system of punched cards, enabling complex patterns to be reproduced mechanically. By employing a series of punched cards, the loom could create intricate designs that surpassed the capabilities of manual weaving. While lacking the computational power of modern computers, mechanical ‘computers’ developed during industrial age revolutionized industries and shaped the course of human progress.

In his book “The Sciences of the Artificial”, Herbert Simon, one of the founders of modern Artificial Intelligence, explores the concept of artificial systems and their role in problem-solving and decision-making. Simon’s work laid the foundation for understanding artificiality as the creation of systems designed to achieve specific goals or solve complex problems.

The introduction of computers ushered in a new era of artificiality. With their computational power and the ability to process vast amounts of data, computers enabled the development of artificial intelligence (AI). AI represents the pinnacle of artificiality, encompassing technologies that simulate human intelligence, learn from data, and make autonomous decisions.

The integration of AI into systems has revolutionized various domains. From robotics and automation to natural language processing and machine learning, AI has empowered artificial systems to perform tasks and make decisions that were once exclusive to human capabilities. This new level of artificiality has opened possibilities for autonomous vehicles, virtual assistants, medical diagnosis systems, and many other applications that were once the realm of science fiction.

Computers, using AI, have brought artificiality to unprecedented heights. They have enabled the creation of systems that may operate independently, may learn from experience, and adapt to changing circumstances. The ability to process vast amounts of data and make extremely complex calculations in real-time has transformed the potential of artificiality, propelling technology to new frontiers. The autonomous nature of AI has always fueled speculation and anxiety. Recently, there have been enormous debates between optimists who believe that AI will benefit humanity and pessimists who fear that it could lead to our destruction.

The Virtuous Interplay Between Augmentation and Artificiality

The journey of technological progress is a dynamic interplay between augmentation and artificiality. These two approaches, while different, are inextricably linked, often positively influencing and shaping each other as we continue to expand the limits of human potential.

Augmentation acts as the foundation upon which artificiality thrives. As technologies evolve and augment our capabilities, we encounter new challenges and complexities that can quickly overwhelm human physical capacities, knowledge, attention, and intelligence. In complex domains such as medicine, finance, or scientific research, the sheer amount of knowledge, data, and parameters to consider can become daunting. Recognizing the limitations of human expertise, augmentation of intelligence and knowledge becomes imperative. This is when advanced systems are invited to provide innovative solutions that harness the power of artificial intelligence, including machine learning and data analytics. These AI systems assist in processing vast amounts of information, identifying patterns, and making informed decisions far beyond human capabilities.

The announcement of Vision Prog by Apple is an example of how augmentation and artificiality can form a virtuous loop. As AR glasses become more sophisticated, they can be used to augment our natural abilities, which can lead to new and innovative applications. These new applications can then be used to further develop AR glasses, creating a virtuous cycle of innovation.

However, the relationship between augmentation and artificiality is not one-directional; it is a virtuous loop. As artificial systems evolve and push the boundaries of what is possible, they inspire new augmentations and refinements. This interplay between augmentation and artificiality fuels technological advancement, fostering a continuous virtuous cycle of innovation. Through the synergistic interaction of augmentation and artificiality, we unlock new frontiers of knowledge, creativity, and problem-solving, enabling us to overcome the complexities of our rapidly evolving world.

Embracing Responsible Development

The interplay between augmentation and artificiality resulting in AI has not been without its share of concerns resulting in controversy. As AI continues to advance, concerns and ethical considerations have emerged, prompting serious debates about responsible development and the impact of AI on society. The concept of responsible innovation is far from novel. From harnessing fire, to inventing automobiles, to mastering nuclear energy, humanity has always faced initial concerns. Yet, in every instance, we have forged ahead, devising safety measures to ensure these breakthroughs enhance our lives without compromising our well-being.

One key aspect in addressing these concerns is recognizing that we are interested in augmenting intelligence rather than creating entities that become rogue using artificial intelligence. This perspective highlights the collaborative nature of AI, where human intelligence and machine capabilities work together to enhance human potential. By considering AI as a tool for amplifying human capabilities, we can approach its development in a manner that prioritizes ethical considerations and responsible use.

Responsible development of AI entails several important factors. First and foremost, transparency is crucial. Developers and organizations should strive for openness and clarity regarding how AI systems make decisions, ensuring that the processes are understandable, explainable, and controllable. This helps build trust and allows individuals to have a better understanding of the AI systems they interact with.

Another key aspect is accountability. Developers and users of AI systems have a responsibility to ensure that the technology is designed and used in a manner that respects fundamental rights, avoids discrimination, and upholds ethical standards. This requires ongoing evaluation and assessment of the impact and consequences of AI systems, as well as appropriate safeguards to prevent misuse.

Furthermore, inclusivity and diversity are essential considerations in the development of AI. By involving diverse perspectives and expertise, we can mitigate bias and ensure that AI systems are fair, unbiased, and representative of the diverse populations they serve.

Education and awareness play a vital role in navigating the complexities and controversies surrounding AI. It is crucial to engage in informed discussions, promoting understanding of AI’s potential, limitations, and societal implications. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and involving various stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, and the general public, we can collectively shape the trajectory of AI development and establish guidelines for responsible use.

By approaching AI as Augmented Intelligence and embracing responsible development practices, we can harness its potential to improve our lives while ensuring that the ethical, societal, and privacy considerations are thoroughly addressed.

A Name Evokes Emotions and Expectations

Names are more than labels. They evoke emotions, spark memories, and set expectations.

When we talk about augmented intelligence, it implies the enhancement and amplification of human intelligence using technology. The focus is on leveraging technology as a tool to extend human capabilities, allowing individuals to perform tasks more efficiently, make better decisions, and solve complex problems. Augmented intelligence suggests a collaborative relationship between humans and machines, where the technology complements and supports human intelligence rather than replacing it.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence often evokes the idea of machines or systems that possess intelligence and capabilities like, or even surpassing, human intelligence. It may conjure images of autonomous machines, algorithms, and systems that can perform tasks autonomously, learn from data, and make decisions without human intervention leading to their becoming autocratic.

These different perceptions and expectations arise from the nuances in the terms themselves. “Augmented Intelligence” emphasizes the collaboration between humans and technology, suggesting a partnership that enhances human potential. In contrast, “Artificial Intelligence” focuses on the creation of intelligent capabilities in machines, often implying a level of autonomy and independent functioning.

Recognizing the nuances between augmented and artificial intelligence allows for a more nuanced understanding of the capabilities, limitations, and potential implications of these technologies, as well as the expectations we have of them. For now, let’s focus on developing augmented intelligence while we develop a better understanding of the AI technology and how to control its use for ethical applications. We realize that some humans will try to abuse the power of AI, but by understanding it better and developing right controls, we can maximize its benefits and minimize its abuse limiting the damage caused.

Let us embrace responsible development, ensuring that our pursuit of augmentation and artificiality aligns with our ethical principles, societal values, and the well-being of humanity. By leveraging technology to enhance our capabilities and create new frontiers, we can shape a future where human potential knows no bounds, where technology is a tool that augments and amplifies our abilities and enriches our lives.



Ramesh Jain

Passionate about empowering health by managing food and lifestyle guided by sensors and AI.