Advantages of Mobile Phones in 2022 : You must see!

5 min readMay 30, 2022


A mobile phone (also called a mobile cellular network, cell phone, or handphone) is an electric device used for full-duplex two-way radio telecommunication over a cellular network of base stations known as a cell site.

In this article, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones. Before starting the topic, we want to ask some questions from you -

Do you use Smartphones for a long time?

Do you feel irritating without your mobile, or can’t you live for a second without your cell phone?

Are you habitual of using the internet for 6–10 hours on your cell phone every day?

If your answer is yes, then this post is going to be very helpful to you and give you complete information about the benefits and limitations of using mobile phones.

Hope this article will be helpful to you in order to take information about mobile phones. This article can also be beneficial for students to write an essay or make their presentation on the pros and cons of using the mobile phone. So, without any delay, let’s start the topic.


In today’s era, there are very few persons that do not have a mobile or not using mobile phones. Nowadays, mobile become a priority in everyone’s life, so that every person uses it in their daily life for communication, business purposes, and for other activities. In today’s world, the mobile phone has completely changed the life of an individual.

We know that everything has its own impacts, good or bad. Same for the mobile phones, somehow it is a wonderful invention, and on the other hand, it includes the worst things with it. As a right perspective, the mobile phone is an extraordinary invention for humans, but using it for many hours constantly will create several problems.

Now, let’s discuss the advantages of mobile phones in detail.

Advantages of mobile phones

Mobile phones have changed the way of communication. Before mobiles, there was a use of landline phones or letters for communicating with a person who lives far from you.

Mobile phone is not limited to communication; it has various other benefits and limitations too. Mostly people are aware with the advantages of mobile phones. The benefits of mobile phones are discussed as follows -

Easy Communication

The main benefit of using the mobile phone is that they make the mode of communication easier and cheap. Because of the lower price, mobile is affordable and has been a revolution in the telecom industry where approximately 95% of people use mobile phones for communication.

Mobile made communication easier, as just by pressing some keys on mobile, we can contact our friends, family members or colleagues, and others at any time. Mobile also gives us a facility to contact our fellow person with voice calls, video calls, text messages, recorded calls, and many more.


It is another major advantage of mobile phones. Mobile phones can be used to acquire knowledge or information on various topics. For convenience, nowadays, most colleges, institutions, and schools are offering online education with the proper study material that can be in the form of images, photos, text, pdf, etc. In the corona pandemic, we have seen that the students have taken online classes provided by their respective institutions to ensure the safety and health of students.

Social media

In today’s era, mobile phones are not only used for calling purposes. Smartphones are said to be a gift for social media lovers. Social media apps like Twitter, Instagram, snap chat, Facebook, etc., are at our fingertips at any time. We can edit and share our pictures and posts on social media directly from our mobile phones. Mobile gives us the facility to access social media at all times.

Most people use their mobile phones to scroll through their timeline of social media platforms in their free time.

Promoting business

Mobile phones can be used for promoting a business. Mobile phones are best for entrepreneurs or businessmen to promote their business via online or offline sources. In online sources, one can use social media websites and messaging applications such as telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp, Pinterest, and others. Most of the leading companies arrange their meetings on video messaging applications like skype.

One of the old offline methods to promote business using mobile phones is text messages. In today’s era, most companies are still promoting their business via text messages. At the end of every message, they put a link to their product page or business website.

Good for people’s safety

In today’s world, criminal activities happen on the next level, so keeping a mobile phone with yourself is a good safety option. In day-to-day life, we heard about so many criminal activities such as kidnapping, theft, or others, so mobile helps us in a different types of illegal activities, as it is the fastest communicating device. It helps us to call the police and relatives so that they provide us help as soon as possible.

Helpful in emergency situations

Suppose a situation in which you are driving a car on an unknown road, and the car gets stuck. So in this situation, mobile is the first device that helps us to call the mechanic or any family member to get rid of the problem. If we get sick and need a doctor, and no one is at home. So in these situations, mobile is the device which we can use for fast communication.

Earn money via mobile

We can use our smartphones to earn money. We can create blogs, YouTube videos, promote business, and other activities to make money.

Accessing the internet through mobile phones

It is easy to access the internet by mobile phones. Because of the internet in mobile, people are less required to go cyber café for using the internet, or even they don’t have to sit in front of computers for accessing the internet. It is easy to access high-speed internet through mobiles.

