3 min readJan 9, 2024

Words hurt more than Actions.

Role of words in our life.

One of the quality that differs us from other living beings is speech - the words we speak. It is the one of the most important tools a human being possess since it gives an opportunity to express our feelings, emotions, thoughts. Words has a great impact on ourselves and people around us.

Effects of soft and hard words in our life.

Words have a positive and negative effect on an individual. Words can inspire and words can destroy. Positive words can inspire, motivate, cheer up others while negative words can cause hurt, pain, discomfort. That's why it is very necessary to choose our words before we speak. We many times do not realise what impact words have on someone's lives. Wrong words used by someone spoils relationships, break someone truly, lower his/her self - esteem. We need to use words to express ourselves and not judge anyone, or pass comments on someone's lives. Well said by a great philosopher - No matter whatever you eat your tongue should always have sugar in it. Many times harsh words said hurts a person so deeply, after that whatever we do for the other person becomes useless, since your efforts has no value in front of the harsh words said by you.

Expressing yourself, your disappointments, your anger all can be done by using decent words also. Many times the words we use or the tone we use has a great impact. Many times a person accepting our views and opinions also depends on the tone and the words we use. Persons' acceptance or value in our life also depends on the words. Things said in soft voice and sweet words are easily acceptable than those said in harsh words and tone. Elders in the home, boss in the office are easily followed and respected if they use soft words. From peon to the manager people follow you easily if we speak soft words in a good tone.

Importance of words in our life.

Whether it is maintaining good relationships, getting your work done, or creating a good image in society all can be done if you have soft words with calmness in your tone. But only soft words with no actions can be considered as fake. Words and actions both go hand in hand and that's why grip on both the things are very necessary. Since only good words with no actions is considered as bol bachchan while good actions with no good words are not being valued, they are considered as rude or egoistic. That's why to have a good personal and professional life we need to balance between both. Words we speak, tone we use, actions we do - these all things directly or indirectly make or break our image in society. Hence it is said to think wisely before we speak and be very careful with the words we speak.


Love to write, express myself through writing