5 Times Movies Taught Us Big Lies

Vivek Dungarwal
5 min readNov 3, 2023


1. Big Lie: Gun silencers eliminate gunshot sounds

The movie John Wick: Chapter 2 is an American neo-noir action thriller movie franchise that centers on John Wick, a former hitman who was forced to go back to the criminal underworld he abandoned. In the movie, there is a hilarious but intense scene where John Wick is engaged in a gunfight with another man in a subway. The people around him (John Wick) do not notice anything amiss because both men use silencers on their pistols.

In reality, silencers or suppressors do not make guns silent, as portrayed in the movie. Silencers can only reduce the noise heard. Modern-day silencers are only able to reduce the noise produced by about 14.3–43 decibels, depending on a variety of factors. On average, when silencers are used, you can expect a 30-decibel reduction, which is about the same sound reduction level when you fire guns wearing ear protection. Gun silencers slow the release of propellant gases when a bullet is fired and convert some of the noise energy to heat. They do not eliminate sound outright.

2. Big Lie: You can suck snake venom out with your mouth

The movie “Snakes on a Plane” is an American horror film starring Samuel L. Jackson. In the movie, a witness is being escorted by FBI Agents to testify against a gang boss. So, the gang boss arranges for a time-release crate full of snakes to be placed in the cargo hold with the hope that the plane will not make it to Los Angeles International Airport. The snakes get released mid-flight, and they start attacking passengers.

In one particular scene, Elsa Pataky’s character sucks out snake venom from the hand of a bitten child. While this is commonplace in movies, it is ineffective in reality. Moreover, you risk transferring some of the venom into your mouth and also risk infecting the snake bite wound with bacteria. The act of sucking out snake venom either with the mouth or a suction device like the Sawyer Extractor pump is ineffective in reality.

3. Big Lie: Chloroform immediately renders people unconscious

A chloroform-soaked rag to the face is the perfect excuse for screenwriters to excuse a character from a scene or the whole movie. It is more commonly used in kidnapping and robbery scenes, but the bitter truth is that chloroform does not operate the way it is being portrayed in movies.

In Raising Cain, you can see how chloroform easily knocks out the driver of the vehicle in less than a minute. In reality, it can take up to five minutes for chloroform to take effect. This alone demystifies it as the perfect kidnapping “recipe.”

4. Big Lie: Humans only use a small fraction of their brains

Limitless is a 2011 American science-fiction thriller film, a great movie by the way. In the movie, Eddie Morra is a struggling writer in New York City. Eddie meets Vernon, his ex-wife’s brother, who gives him a sample new nootropic called “NZT-48′ to help Eddie with his creative problems. After using the drug, Eddie acquires a perfect memory and is able to analyze information at an incredible speed. The drug transforms his life positively.

The main message the movie passes on to us is that all humans are only able to use a small fraction of their brains and need a stimulant or drug to unlock the larger percentage. This is false. According to neurologists, it is a myth that humans can only use a small fraction of their brains. The truth is that we humans use virtually every part of the brain, and most parts of the brain are active almost all the time. In fact, throughout a day, a human will have successfully used a hundred percent of their brain. Even when we are sleeping, areas such as the frontal cortex and the somatosensory areas are active.

5. Big Lie: You will escape the wrath of a Tyrannosaurus rex if you stand still

The movie Jurassic Park taught us as kids to fear the T. rex, but it also taught us a very big and dangerous lie. At one point in the movie, a T-rex goes on a rampage, and Dr. Alan Grant tells Lex that all they need to do is to stand still, and the massive dinosaur will not see them.

This is false, and real-world paleontologists have proven Dr. Grant wrong. Not only is it possible for a Tyrannosaurus rex to see just fine, whether the object before it is moving or non-moving, but there is also ample scientific evidence that the sight of the therapod was very good, possibly better than modern-day hawks and eagles. The good news here is that it is unlikely that you will ever run into a T-rex to test this theory.

