7 Habits That Will Get You to the Top 1%

Vivek Dungarwal
3 min readApr 11, 2023


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

The top 1% in any field have certain habits and behaviors that set them apart from the rest. These habits aren’t necessarily secrets, but they require discipline and dedication to implement consistently over time. So, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a student, or a working professional, read on to discover the seven habits that can help you become a top performer.

1. Plan you day:

The power of planning lies in the perspective and control it provides for your life. You can never achieve your long term goals without your short term plans. It gives you a broad view of the maze that must be navigated to achieve your long term goals. Moreover, it also provides the ability to manage the small tasks that are essential to reaching those aims.

We think of doing a lot of stuff throughout the day or month or year, but end up way doing a lot less than our potential because we lack the habit of planning things out and making it a routine. By planning out tasks we can prioritize tasks, reduce stress, manage our time effectively and hence increase efficiency.

2. Meditation:

I personally don’t think that there is a more powerful tool of self-introspection than meditation. There is probably no habit more important for a young man in the 21st century to establish than daily meditation. If we don’t learn to discipline our mind now we can easily find ourselves lying on our deathbed reviewing our life.

Not only does meditation increase your willpower but it also fights stress, improves our mental and physical health and boosts our resilience. Even just 10 minutes a day can be life changing.

3. Learn to embrace discomfort:

Have you ever wondered why more than 50–60% of the population end up in the job/service sector? What I personally make out of this humongous figure is the fact that, we unconsciously end up planning our day/year as a result of our jobs and it becomes a habit. Getting up in the morning, freshen up, have breakfast, 9 to 5 job, come home, relax and do our things, dinner, sleep, and repeat.

We don’t want to take the risks of going out of the system that already has a plan ready for us. We try to avoid risks like making our own plans, starting our own business, doing something on our own that we love and try to make a living out of that. As a result most of us becomes a prey to the system.

To transform our life completely, we need to say goodbye to our comfort zone. Because, nothing worth having comes easy, we have to break new grounds. We have to get into the habit of stepping out of our comfort zones and start things like reading more books, choose healthier food, waking up early, etc.

4. Cooking your own meals/ eating healthy:

Everybody wants to be healthy, but the fact is that we can’t purchase health over the counter. We got to earn that healthy body by eating right. Cooking our own meals and eating healthy is important for our physical health, our wallet, and our peace of mind.

5. Daily affirmations:

Affirmations are a powerful tool to remind ourselves of our values. When we repeat them frequently, they start to manifest in our lives. Positives words of affirmations are -

· Today will be an amazing day

· I can achieve anything I want

· I am capable of anything

· I’m in command of my life

6. Live in the present:

Today is a gift. Appreciate everything you have that is your family/friends, your health and your experiences. When we realize the importance of what we have, we feel more blessed, joyful and happier in life.

7. Exercise:

It doesn’t matter if it’s an intense workout session or a chill walk in the park, when we exercise we become more alert. We feel more energized and we’ll have a better attitude about work and everything else. Regular exercise allows you to look and feel more confident an attractive.

In conclusion, all I want to say is that with a growth mindset and a willingness to learn and improve, anyone can reach their full potential and achieve their desired level of success.

