Top 5 Fashion Trends No One Should Bring Back

Vivek Dungarwal
4 min readOct 16, 2023


Hey there, fashion-forward friends. Today, we’re diving deep into the fashion archives, to uncover the cringe-worthy and questionable trends that we’re all hoping, never sees the light again.

Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even hide your old photo albums, because we’re counting down the “Top 5 Fashion Trends No One Should Bring Back.”

Before we dive into this list of fashion fails, it’s essential to note that fashion is a highly personal and subjective matter. What one person considers a fashion fail might be another person’s trendsetting style. The intention behind this compilation is purely lighthearted. So, as you read through our top 5 fashion fails, remember it’s all in good fun and not meant to offend anyone’s personal choices.

Kicking off our list, firstly are those shoulder pads that turned us into human triangles! Whether they were on blouses, dresses, or jackets, these puffy disasters made everyone look like human coat hangers or maybe someone who’s about to take on the NFL.

People, I get it — we all want to feel powerful, but turning our everyday clothes into geometry lessons might not have been the best idea. Let’s be real — unless you’re aiming to audition for a throwback action movie, it’s time to leave the shoulder pads in the past.

At number 2, it’s those plastic chokers that once encircled our necks like mini hula hoops and ruled the ’90s. Our parents would know that they all wanted one back then — which by the way, still questionable, but looking back, they might have been more of a fashion fad than a style statement.

Sure, they were cool for a hot minute, but let’s admit it — they made us all feel like we were in some kind of neck-circus act.

Next up on our target list is the mullet. Characterized by its short front and long back haircut, it gained immense popularity during the 1970s and 1980s. Influential figures, with athletes and even some singers proudly embraced the mullet, aiming for a trendy and edgy look.

For a while, mullets were everywhere on men, women, and even kids. But eventually and… thankfully the novelty of mullets wore off. They were lambasted as one of the worst haircuts ever. Though famous personalities do try reviving it as an ironic retro style, but very few people can truly pull off this polarizing look.

Taking us to 4th on the list, “Corsets”: the fashion disaster that made fainting look fabulous. Those torture devices, I mean, they’re basically the fashion equivalent of trying to fit into jeans after Thanksgiving dinner.

It’s like, “Hey, let’s squish our organs and ribs into submission and call it style!” And don’t forget the whole “hourglass figure” thing they promoted. They should come with a warning label: “May cause fainting, breathing problems and indigestion. And let’s not even talk about how impossible it must have been to put them on without a team of engineers and a gallon of sweat.

And lastly, to end the list we have the “Sagging pants”, a fashion fiasco that has left us all scratching our heads! It’s like a gravity-defying showdown between style and practicality.

We’ve all seen it — waistbands hanging out closer to knees than hips, turning a simple stroll into a constant battle of wardrobe malfunction. And let’s be honest, aside from the frowzy appearance, the constant hitching-up is a real buzzkill. While fashion is about self-expression, sagging pants might just be saying more than we intended. It’s safe to say, it’s best left in the past!

There you have it — my top 5 fashion trends that should stay locked in the vault of style history. So which trend made you cringe the most? Let me know with your comments.

