The Significance of TMT Test in Detecting and Diagnosing Heart Issues

Jaipur Heart Centre
3 min readJul 26, 2017


If you want to lead a better life, then you need to have a healthy heart. But, ailments do not arise suddenly, and so is the case with the human heart. There are people who become prey to coronary blockages into their artery. However, such ailments do not exhibit any symptoms in the initial phases, and if left unattended, it may cost one his life.

Why TMT tests have been introduced?

In order to ensure that such ailments are detected at the right time, TMT tests have been introduced. Among all types of heart tests available till date, this test can easily detect the problem in an efficient manner without consuming much time. Also known as cardiac stress test, it holds the ability to check the strength of human heart against high level of stress within a controlled medical environment.

This TMT test is used to check whether the heart is receiving optimum oxygen when it requires it the most i.e. when you exercise or even at rest.

Performing the TMT Test

It is reassuring to learn that advancement in medical science has reduced treatment time in most cases. Nowadays, patients do not have to go through long phases of treatment, and the time for conducting regular tests has also reduced. For instance, if you go for a TMT test in Bani Park, Jaipur, it will hardly take an hour to conduct this test.

What is the process for the TMT Test?

As soon as the patient is taken to the examination room, blood pressure along with heart rate is recorded in a very careful manner. At that time, it is monitored and ensured that the patient is in a complete resting state. After getting satisfactory output, the next step is all about placing of electrodes on the chest.

Out of twelve electrodes, nine are connected to the ECG machine and remaining three to the Treadmill machine. Each and every lead is meant for variable purpose to take the best and updated record of the heart. If you are a diabetic and take insulin on a regular basis, then the doctor will determine the amount of insulin to be injected on the day of the test. It is advisable to wear highly comfortable clothes along with a pair of soft walking shoes.

Steps to Follow After the TMT Test

After the electrode operation gets over, as a part of the treatment, the patient is requested to step onto the treadmill for further procedures. At the initial stage, the speed is kept at the minimum. But, slowly, the same is increased in order to infer the heart beat rate of the patient at an interval of three minutes.

While the test session is duly active, blood pressure along with heart rate is recorded for examination. The moment the patient starts reflecting signs of uneasiness; the test is given a red signal. All in all, a TMT test in Bani Park, Jaipur from an expert clinic is well-monitored throughout. However, the patients may feel a bit tired, but that is normal in case of this test.

Getting a TMT Test at periodic intervals is actually quite ideal. If you are leading a fit and healthy life, you’ll get to know how healthy your heart is, and if it is the other way round, then it will act as a precursor to start adopting a healthy lifestyle for your body and your heart’s health.



Jaipur Heart Centre

Jaipur Heart & Multispeciality Centre is the best Heart Hospital in Jaipur. We are well-known for our commitment to the care and improvement of human life.