[Recovery Series] — 2 — Health

Soul Care
13 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by Liubov Ilchuk on Unsplash


Healing & Health

As always, the key to allowing divine intervention is through your mouth.




“I won’t look to experiences. I’ll look to the cross! As surely as Jesus bore away my sins, He also bore away my diseases!”

“Jesus bore my sicknesses and carried my pains. I will walk in greater health because the One who has surely borne my sicknesses and carried my pains says to me, ‘I am willing, to be cleansed!’”




“Today, healing is my right because Jesus paid the price for my healing. Disease has no right to be in my body. I am healed in Jesus’ name!

“Every curse of sickness that was supposed to fall on me fell on Jesus instead. He bore every one of those stripes so that I can walk in divine health all the days of my life. The price has been paid so that I can rise up and get out of my bed of affliction!”

“Every time Jesus was whipped, every form of sickness and disease came upon Him. ‘The chastisement for my peace was upon Him, and by His stripes I am healed.’”




“Thank You, Father, You want me well. You want me whole. Your will is for me to be healed! In fact, You are so willing that You took all my sicknesses and diseases upon Your own body so that I don’t have to suffer them today! You allowed yourself to be beaten and scourged, so that by Your scourging — by Your stripes — I am healed! Since You already suffered the sickness on my behalf, I don’t need to suffer it today. Thank you.”




“When I partake of the holy communion, I know that Jesus was pierced for my sins and scourged for my healing. He bore God’s fiery judgement so that I will never be judged for my sins. He also bore my diseases and carried my pains so that I can walk in divine health.”




“Surely, my Lord Jesus has borne my sickness and carried my pains. As I believe this truth, surely, my healing and breakthrough will come!”




“Thank You, Father, the One who cleansed lepers, opened blind eyes, made the lame to walk, took my sins, sicknesses, and every curse when He hung on Calvary’s tree. The curse that was meant for me because of my sins fell on Him instead. He was cursed in my place to redeem me from every curse that comes as a result of breaking God’s laws.”

“Christ redeemed me from every curse, every type of sicknesses! It doesn’t matter what type of sickness the world discovers because Christ has redeemed me from every type!”

“This (Name of sickness) is part of the curse of the law. Galatians 3:13 says that Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I have been redeemed from (name of sickness)! As I believe and confess His healing in my body, knowing that Jesus took every curse of sickness, my healing will break forth!”




“Father, I thank You right now, though my health is under attack, there is superabounding grace available for my healing and health. I call forth and receive it now, in Jesus' name.”

“I won’t be conscious of what I see lacking or missing. I am more conscious of God’s superabounding grace for me and avail myself of it!”




“When I partake of the holy communion, I acknowledge it’s not a ritual or symbolic act. No, I believe that He is the true bread from heaven who took my cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or any form of sickness so that I can have His supernatural health. When I eat of His broken body with this revelation, I will have life in abundance and the health of the Lord!”




“Despite the pain, I will call forth my healing. It is pointless to state the obvious. So, I will change the way I talk. I will see the way God meant it to be, and start calling forth my healing and wholeness — because I am made in God’s image, I call those things which are not as though they are!”




“When Jesus hung on the cross, He took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. That is why sicknesses does not have the final word in my life. Jesus does, because He took my sickness upon His body and paid for my healing with His blood.”

“When Jesus hung on the cross, He took my curse. I was supposed to be cursed because of my sins, but He took my place and the curse fell on Him. Today, I take His place and His blessings fall on me.”

“I won’t settle for the cruse of sickness or poverty when the price for my healing and prosperity has been paid by Jesus. Sickness and poverty do not have the final word in my life. Jesus does because He redeemed me from every curse!”




“Divine health flows into my body when I soak up everything on Jesus in the Word. Before I know it, sickness, disease, and every symptom of pain leaves. Even my discouragement will dissolve effortlessly. I will find myself encouraged, refreshed, and my darkness giving way to light.”




“Jesus’ blood flowed freely from His body for my deliverance from every kind of disease and physical affliction. God allowed every one of those stripes to fall on His Son’s body so that my body need not be scourged with diseases. Jesus bore the terrible scourgings to purchase for my deliverance from every kind of disease.”

“I know that Jesus took the scourging as a full payment for me to be free of that condition. He bore those stripes so that, today, there is no sickness, no disease left for me to bear. By His stripes, I have been healed!”




“I know that unforgiveness in my. heart will sometimes translate into a disease in my body. So, if I’ve been bitter about something or someone, it’s time to let it go. My health, joy, and life are more important, harbouring bitterness and resentment is just not worth my health, joy, and peace. I see Jesus as my healer, standing at my place of bitterness today and making my bitter waters sweet, for He is the Lord who heals me.’ Now, I can let go of my bitterness and let Jesus heal my diseases and broken heart too!”




“I know that my healing has been accomplished. I won’t worry about what I see or feel, or the presence of contradicting reports. These are lying symptoms and though they may seem very real, they are temporal and not the truth. God’s Word is truth and it will remain because it is eternal. And when I believe that only what God’s Word says about my situation is truth, all the lying symptoms will eventually have to line up with His Word.”




“When I partake of the holy communion, I acknowledge it’s not a ritual or symbolic act. No, I believe that He is the true bread from heaven who took my cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or any form of sickness so that I can have His supernatural health. When I eat of His broken body with this revelation, I will have life in abundance and the health of the Lord!”




“Thank You, Lord, I understand that the pierced, striped, and slightly burnt bread represents Your body…is for my health and healing. When I partake with discernment of this truth, I partake in a worthy manner. As a result, I will be strong, healthy, and live long.”

“Thank You, it’s not a matter of whether I am worthy or unworthy to partake, but how I partake. I can come to the Lord’s table with boldness and partake because Jesus has qualified me with His precious blood. I won’t treat it as a ritual, but I’ll release my faith for health and healing when I discern that Jesus’ body was broken so that mine can be healthy and whole today.”




“Thank You, that when I put my trust in the Lamb of God who was burnt by God’s fiery judgement meant for me, I will go forth daily, neither poor nor feeble, but richly supplied and divinely strengthened in Christ!”




“Thank You, Father, I am on the no-curse ground. I stand in the blessings zone where it is very easy for God’s blessings to rain all over me. This is because when Christ rose from the dead, I was raised together with Him. Me, who is in christ, the true ark, stand on resurrection ground where the curse has been reversed. It is where diseases, poverty, and failures have no right to operate!”




“Thank You, that because I have the life of Jesus in me, the life that is pain-free, disease-free, and poverty-free, it causes good things to happen to me!”

“Thank You, every time I eat the bread and drink the cup, I proclaim the Lord’s death for me. I discern that the Lord’s body was broken so that my body can be whole. I discern that His healthy body has borne my diseases and pains so that my body can be well. When I eat of the bread, I say that by His stripes I am healed. And when I drink the cup, I am drinking the life of Jesus which is in His blood.”




“Thank You, Lord, Your blood shed at the cross has redeemed me from all curses, including diseases like cancer! You took the curse of cancer at the cross. And You put all the blessings You deserve on me. Therefore, I expect only blessings of Jesus to come upon me and overtake me!”




“Thank You, Father, while I can receive healing through the prayer of faith, You understand that it sometimes puts pressure on me to believe that I receive all — complete healing — the moment I pray. But the Holy Communion allows me to receive a measure of healing every time I partake in faith so that I get better and better. The more I take it, the better I become. There’s no pressure to believe that I receive it all at once. You are so good you meet me at the level of my faith! Thank You that the more I partake, the better I will become!”




“Thank You, Father, You want me to be free when it comes to eating and exercising. You don’t want me to make laws for eating and exercising as my main trust to give me “divine health”. I trust in the finished work of Christ to make me healthy. I discern Jesus’ body when I partake of the Holy Communion and I just enjoy food and workout!”




“Thank You, Father, for letting me know that if I want to know Jesus as the Lord who heals me, I will sit under anointed preaching of God’s Word because when His Word goes forth, it will heal me. Your Word is medicine to all my flesh!”




“Thank You, every time I partake of the bread and wine, I declare to the principalities and powers of darkness that the Lord’s death avails for me. Every time I partake, I am saying that because Jesus has been judged and punished in my place, I cannot be judged and punished. Because Jesus died young in my place, I will live long. And because He conquered death and stripped the devil of his powers, I will not be defeated. The victory is already mine!”

“Thank You, Jesus died once and for all my sins — past, present, and future. His work is perfectly perfect and completely complete, so He doesn’t have to die for me again. Today, I proclaim His death simply by partaking of the Lord’s supper. Every time I partake of the bread and wine, I declare to the powers of darkness that the Lord’s death avails for me and that the victory is already mine.”

“Thank You, Lord, Your table is prepared for me in the presence of my enemies because when I partake of the bread and wine, I will see my enemies tremble and scatter! Because when I proclaim Your death through the holy communion, I am reminding the devil and his cohorts of their humiliating defeat at Calvary’s cross!”




“Thank You, Father, You are telling me to forgive because God in Christ has forgiven me a debt I cannot pay. When I just forgive and let God take care of the rest, I do myself a favour because harbouring bitterness and unforgiveness can sometimes destroy my health. And when I really forgive, You will help me forget until the sting is gone and I am not bitter.”

“Father, I bring this person before you. You know what this person did to me. Father, as You forgave me through Jesus’ cross, even though I did not deserve it, by faith, I now forgive this person and I let my anger against this person go in Jesus’ name. Amen!”




“Thank You, Father, for letting me know that when I choose to hold on to bitterness, no one suffers but me. I lose my peace, then my health. Thank you for letting me know it’s not worth holding on. Thank You, I’ll hear You say, ‘Let go. Forgive them their debts, just as I have forgiven you yours.’ When I realize that I am forgiven much, I will love much.”




“Thank You, Lord, You gave Yourself to me as my restorer of life and nourisher of my old age. When You, the restorer of life is in my life, what I have lost can be restored. And with the nourisher of my old age in me, my body can be gloriously renewed even though I am advanced in my years.”

“Thank You, Father, You are outside of time and my faith in You brings me into the timeless zone. There, the stolen years will be restored. Even as my years increase, I will not grow weak and weary because the restorer of life and nourisher of my old age is in me.”




“Thank You, Father, you don’t want me to suffer the divine sentence of sickness that is already in the world, so You have given me a way of escape, paid for by the blood of Your Son. You want me to be healthy and whole, without the diseases of the world, and You have made this possible for me through the Holy Communion.”

“I won’t be robbed of this tremendous blessing any longer because of strange teachings. I can now come boldly to the Lord’s table today and receive afresh His health, strength, wholeness, and life!”




“Thank You, Father, whatever is troubling me, if it has a name, it must bow down to the name of Jesus. That is the power of the name of the One who died for me, rose again, and is seated at the Father’s right-hand today. So therefore, I declare, in Jesus’ name, health flows in my body!”


6:05 pm — Mon — Jan 8–2024


