In Search of Mental Balance

Jairo Cortes-Marin
3 min readApr 12, 2023


The emergence of the independent art scene in web3 seems to have brought to life the dreams of many artists. It’s never been easier to gain reach and truly build the artistic career you had always imagined, regardless of where you come from or the circumstances that brought you here.

From the surreal feeling after making your first art sale, to the genuine connections to artists you admire and collectors you respect and even perhaps appearing in your first gallery exhibition, the opportunities in web3 are what dreams are made of.

However, not everything is as easy as it may appear on the timeline. One of the major challenges artists face, alongside this plethora of opportunities, is the effect this social-virtual career has on mental health. As commitment and screen time rise the more an artist is involved in the ecosystem, so can the toll it takes on our psyche.

In a place where the highs can be richly euphoric and the lows a crash back to Earth — like the charts we constantly stare at — it’s pretty easy to feel the swing of emotions. Whether new to the space or a blockchain veteran, we can all be affected by the same feelings, issues or mental stresses at any point of this digital journey — specially so deep into this bear market.

What are things we can do to avoid the unnecessary mental strain and maintain a healthy mental balance?

For starters, slow down. Breathe.

This image — titled Corrientes — forms part of artist Jairo Cortes-Marin’s running Morning Thoughts project, which consists of documenting and sharing positive or self-reflective thoughts to Twitter to help get the day started.
“Corrientes” by artist Jairo Cortes-Marin (otherwise known as Jairinho), originally shot in Luquillo, Puerto Rico in 2016. In the style of “Morning Thoughts”, 2023.

This environment is so addictive and quick that it becomes our modus operandi to race around life without giving ourselves time to process or savor the ride. And in an online community where we’re constantly observing the successes of others, the speed of it all can weigh and overwhelm.

It happens to the best of us.

However, with small changes we can find our way back to a healthy balance. Simple steps like organizing your daily schedule, limiting scroll time and recreation can help optimize our process and allow us to enjoy the ride again — to have fun again.

Been there, done that and nothing? Take a break, enjoy a few days away from the screen and come back refreshed. It’s a hard choice, one that brings along the fear of damaging your algorithm. But, that can always be fixed. More important than maintaining an algorithm at all costs is to prioritize your well-being, before it costs you.

Also lean into your communities for support, whether that be through private conversations, spaces or group chats. A huge benefit that comes from this socially driven market is the ability to form genuine relationships with people in your same position that are willing to help and understand where you’re coming from.

But most importantly, to find harmony, do the things that spark a passion in you. Create what you love and love what you create. Immerse yourself in your vision, use your time wisely and bring others along with you. Let time do the rest. A career is a marathon, not a race.

Originally published in Shillzine Magazine, Issue 97, pg. 109. February, 2023.



Jairo Cortes-Marin

Jairo is a 26-year-old multidisciplinary artist, writer and podcast host from Puerto Rico, with an academic background in philosophy and art.