Hey everyone!!

May 31, 2024


Welcome to Jaishika poems. I have written this poem a few months later. This poem may interest you. ENJOY!!


Yesterday I had a dream,

In which I heard poor’s scream.

They were screaming for love,shelter,food,

Telling the God, the people he made is so rude.

Can you imagine a child suffering from child labor,

They are alone as no one speaks in their favour.

Their voices are silent for many years,

Let’s together end their horrible fear.

God doesn’t gave us food to waste

Think about those who doesn’t have just to taste

Maybe they are dirty but not as people’s mind,

Always help poor and always be kind.

Let’s end poverty by giving them jobs,

We together can end little children’s sobs.

We can make India, a fully developed country,

We can do so by ending poverty.

Thanks for reading. 💚

