Unlocking Efficiency with Luigi: A Python Tool for Streamlined Data Pipelines

5 min readMar 4, 2024



Luigi, a powerful Python module, stands as a beacon in the realm of data engineering, offering a structured approach to building complex and scalable data pipelines. Developed by Spotify, Luigi simplifies the orchestration of tasks, making it an invaluable asset for managing workflows efficiently.

What Luigi Does:

Luigi excels in handling dependencies among various tasks in a data pipeline. It allows developers to define tasks, their dependencies, and the flow of data between them. This approach promotes modularity and ease of troubleshooting, fostering a robust and maintainable data infrastructure.


1. Dependency Management: Luigi’s clear task dependency model ensures tasks are executed in the correct order, reducing errors and enhancing data integrity.
2. Flexibility: Luigi supports various data formats and seamlessly integrates with other Python libraries, fostering flexibility in data handling.
3. Monitoring and Visualization: Built-in tools for tracking and visualizing the progress of tasks simplify the monitoring of complex pipelines.


1. Learning Curve: The structured nature of Luigi may pose a learning curve for those new to the tool, requiring time and effort to master.
2. Limited Language Support: While Luigi is primarily designed for Python, it might be less suitable for environments heavily dependent on other programming languages.


Before diving into Luigi, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

1. Python Environment: Luigi requires a Python environment (3.5 or later).

2. MySQL Database: For tasks involving MySQL, ensure you have a running MySQL database with the necessary credentials and permissions.

3. Pandas and Luigi Installation: Install Pandas and Luigi using the following commands:

pip install pandas
pip install luigi

4. SMTP Server Access: If you plan to send emails, ensure access to an SMTP server. In the example, Gmail is used, but you can adapt it to your email provider.

How to Install Luigi:

To install Luigi, use the following command:

pip install luigi

Setting Up the Environment:

1. Define MySQL Connection Parameters: Before using Luigi with MySQL, configure the connection parameters, such as database host, user, password, and database name.

2. Luigi Configuration File (optional): Create a Luigi configuration file (`luigi.cfg`) to specify global settings like the scheduler URL and logging configurations.

3. SMTP Configuration (if sending emails): Set up the SMTP server details in the script or a separate configuration file.

Modifying the Example with Prerequisites:

1. Update the MySQLTask class with the correct MySQL connection details.

2. Replace the placeholder email addresses in the `send_email` method with your sender and recipient email addresses.

3. In the email sending section, provide the correct SMTP server details, including the sender’s email and password.

Running the Luigi Task:

Execute the Luigi task by running the script:

python your_script_name.py MySQLTask - date 2024–03–03

Ensure the specified date parameter aligns with your scheduling requirements.

By following these steps and configuring Luigi with the necessary prerequisites, you’ll have a robust foundation for orchestrating data workflows, connecting to MySQL, manipulating data, and sending the results via email.

Connecting Luigi with MySQL for Scheduled Tasks:

To schedule a Luigi task connecting to MySQL, leverage the built-in `luigi.contrib.mysqldb` module. Define a custom Luigi task class that interacts with your MySQL database, ensuring proper configuration of the MySQL connection parameters. Use the Luigi central scheduler to set up a recurring task, specifying the desired execution frequency.

Data Manipulation and Sending via Email:

Integrate data manipulation functions within Luigi tasks to process the retrieved data. For instance, use Pandas for transforming data or applying business logic. To send the manipulated data via email, utilize Python’s `smtplib` for email setup and send the processed data as attachments.

import luigi
import pandas as pd
from luigi.contrib.mysqldb import MySqlTarget
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

class MySQLTask(luigi.Task):
date = luigi.DateParameter()

def run(self):
# MySQL data extraction and manipulation
data = self.extract_data()
processed_data = self.process_data(data)

# Send processed data via email

def extract_data(self):
# Implement MySQL data extraction logic

def process_data(self, data):
# Implement data processing logic (e.g., using Pandas)

def send_email(self, data):
# Setup email parameters
sender_email = "your_email@gmail.com"
receiver_email = "recipient_email@gmail.com"
subject = "Processed Data"

# Construct email body
body = "Attached is the processed data."

# Create MIME object and attach data
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg.attach(MIMEText(body, "plain"))
attachment = MIMEText(data.to_string(), "plain")
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='processed_data.csv')

# Send email
with smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587) as server:
server.login(sender_email, 'your_password')
server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, msg.as_string())
if __name__ == '__main__':

By combining Luigi’s task scheduling capabilities with MySQL integration and email functionalities, this example showcases a seamless end-to-end data pipeline.

To schedule a Luigi task to run every day, you can utilize the built-in scheduling functionality provided by Luigi. Here’s how you can modify the example to run daily:

1. Update the `MySQLTask` class to include a `requires` method, specifying the dependencies for the task:

class MySQLTask(luigi.Task):
date = luigi.DateParameter()
def requires(self):
# Return the previous day's task as a dependency
return MySQLTask(date=self.date - timedelta(days=1))

# … rest of the class remains the same

This modification ensures that the task for each day depends on the completion of the task for the previous day.

2. Set up a Luigi central scheduler to handle the scheduling. Run the scheduler using the following command:

luigid - background - pidfile luigid.pid

3. Run the Luigi task with the following command to schedule it for every day:

python your_script_name.py - module your_script_name MySQLTask - date $(date - date='yesterday' +\%Y-\%m-\%d)

Replace `your_script_name` with the actual name of your script.

This command calculates yesterday’s date using the `date` command and passes it as the ` — date` parameter to the Luigi task. By setting up dependencies and using the central scheduler, Luigi will automatically ensure that the task runs every day, building upon the results of the previous day’s task.

Remember to keep the Luigi central scheduler (`luigid`) running in the background for the scheduled tasks to execute.

In conclusion, Luigi empowers data engineers to design and manage robust data workflows, making it a valuable asset for organizations seeking efficiency and reliability in their data processing pipelines.




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