Faith Hope Jucay
1 min readAug 30, 2016

Nemesis is what you think of me?

Can we still be friends that we used to be?

Heart breaker, scene stealer is my image

I carry this title from my early age.

We vowed of a promise as a best friend forever

But suddenly we broke because of your lover,

I’m happy for you, you found the right one

But it’s not my fault that now her gone.

It’s not also my fault that I started with her a little conversation

I only told her that you are my great source of inspiration,

I also told her that she’s lucky enough because she got the best guy in her life she’d ever known

But me? I won’t had and never will beyond the boundaries of friendzone.

If I could take back time, I will never be the same

I won’t be your nemesis but friend by name,

The one you can lean on, the one you can always called best friend

But now all I want is not a nemesis, not a friend yet your lover until the end.



Faith Hope Jucay

A paradoxical, pessimistic, introverted college writing machine that lives a difficult life together with poverty and harsh people.