2 min readDec 18, 2017

Dear Daughter,

This has been a long time coming, I want to share with you something that has been weighing on my mind. This is going to be the first of many more letters to come, God helping me.

You may probably be rolling your eyes wondering what I have to say but I want you to take these truths to heart, don't see me as overbearing; I'm doing this because I love you immensely and it's my hope that you avoid some pitfalls.

Honey, you live in a time where people are defined by man-made criterias, the question of identity has led some people into becoming who they were never destined to be just because they want to "belong". My darling, to be different is not a disease. Infact we are called to be different, you are in this world but not of this world, so you CANNOT afford to conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2).

You are UNIQUE, don't tie your identity to something you can see and touch, don't even attach it to your beauty cos it fades baby (Proverbs 31:30).

Let me tell you who you are;

You're fearfully and wonderfully made psalm 139:14

Your name is engraved on the palm of the One who paid the highest price for you Isaiah 49:16

You are the workmanship of the Most High God created for good works Ephesians 2:10

You are a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden Matthew 5:14

You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13-16

You have a future and a hope Jeremiah 29:11.

Write these truths out and say them to your own hearing. Let them be an anchor for you.

I will always love you.

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