How Much Do Darwin Nunez’s Missed Chances Cost Liverpool?

Jake Lakin
6 min readJan 21, 2024

It’s no big secret in the world of football that Darwin Nunez misses a lot of good chances to score. The chaos that he brings to the Liverpool attack can bring a pure rush of adrenaline to those Liverpool fans watching however, when the forward is presented with an opportunity to score, that adrenaline can become anxiety rather quickly.

It’s well-documented that the Uruguayan forward is underperforming his xG and it feels like we can all remember several times when he should have put the ball in the back of the net.

But how have Nunez’s missed chances actually cost Liverpool this season? Could they in fact be runaway leaders in the Premier League by now?

Darwin Nunez looking up to the sky.
Darwin Nunez

Nunez’s Big Chances

The short answer to that last question is no. Yes, Liverpool would be further ahead in the Premier League but not by that much.

The starting point for this analysis is to look at all the games Liverpool haven’t won in the league this season. I’m keeping this to the league because Liverpool, at the time of writing, are still in all competitions so his missed chances have yet to cost Liverpool in any of the cups.

Of the 20 league games played this season, Liverpool have failed to win seven of them, drawing six and losing once.

