Acceptance and Preparation for the Disney College Program

Jake Aron
7 min readNov 29, 2022

This story is part one of a six-part series where I share my experience in the Disney College Program.

My Disney College Program acceptance email
My Disney College Program acceptance email

March 3, 2022 “Oh shit!” I whispered, trying not to wake up my roommate while hurrying down the stairs of my lofted bed at Bradley University. I had just woken up, but the sleepiness I felt moments before had already jolted away from me with the opening of one email. It was a Thursday, and I didn’t expect to hear anything from Disney until the following week. Every once in a while, Disney College Program recruiters send out surprise waves. A surprise wave is an acceptance email sent out on days of the week other than the typical acceptance day of Monday. During the first surprise wave of the season, I was accepted into the Disney College Program. Because I was so baffled that I had been accepted (on a Thursday, nonetheless), I didn’t say the line I had prepared for when this joyous moment occurred. I had wanted to call my parents and say, “Did I win Super Bowl MVP? Because I’m going to Disney World!” But because I was too excited to remember that line, I just yelled (in the hallway to not wake up my roommate) that I had been accepted into the program.

Although getting accepted had been my dream for months, it was not always my dream like it had been for so many other participants. Before applying to the program, I never…



Jake Aron

I am a third-year student attending the University of Missouri. I am a Guinness World Record holder and was formerly part of the Disney College Program.