My Etsy Story

Over 600 products sold, including an Etsy bestseller.

Jake Aron
4 min readDec 13, 2022
My shops logo. A black circle with the words Button Bonaza Shop in white.
The logo of my shop

At the start of the pandemic, I decided to start a business. I wanted it to be creative, timely, and unique. After pondering what to sell, I decided I would sell political buttons. I first shopped around for the best marketplace to host my online storefront. I decided to sell on Etsy because of the low fees and the traffic Etsy brings to each shop.

I then decided I would use a dropshipping platform. I created the designs, and a dropshipping platform made and shipped the product. I chose the dropshipping company Gooten because they make high-quality products at low prices. Gooten was very simple to use. After creating designs using free web tools like Pixlr, I uploaded my image to Gooten. I sized the image based on different-sized buttons. Then I chose the price, created a description, and added SEO tags.

Once I had a few buttons made, ran ads on Facebook to see if anyone was actually interested in purchasing the buttons. The feedback showed I was onto something. In June 2020, I launched ButtonBonanzaShop on Etsy.

Much like Medium, Etsy already has built-in traffic. Because of this, I didn’t have to market outside of the platform. I still tried Facebook and Instagram marketing, but my greatest successes came from Etsy ads, which placed my products at or…



Jake Aron

I am a third-year student attending the University of Missouri. I am a Guinness World Record holder and was formerly part of the Disney College Program.