Setting up a Slack app for use with iOS Shortcuts
You’re probably here to get a Slack OAuth token. Let’s get started.
Step 1: Create a Slack app
Wait! It’s easy, I promise. I’ll even give you screenshots.
- Go to
- Give your app a name (it’s just for you, name it whatever you want)
- Choose a workspace
- Click
Create App
Step 2: Set a scope
Before you can get a token, Slack wants you to pick some scopes, which is fancy for what is this app allowed to do.
- In the sidebar, click OAuth & Permissions
- Scroll down to Scopes
- Under the User Token Scopes section, click Add an OAuth Scope
- In the box, type or select
Your changes are automatically saved.
Step 2b: Updating statuses?
If you’re using another of my shortcuts to update your slack status, you also need two additional scopes: users.profile:read
and users.profile:write
Step 3: Grab your OAuth Token
At the top of this same page, you’ll see a value under OAuth Access Token in the top box.
Note: if you haven’t already, click the Install App to Workspace button first.
Copy that token and input it into your iOS shortcut where needed.
That’s it!
See? It wasn’t so hard. You knew you could do it all along 💪
Most of you probably came here from a shortcut I made, but if you haven’t yet started sending messages to Slack via iOS Shortcuts, install this shortcut to get started:
Need help?
If it wasn’t so easy, that’s okay! Find me on twitter @jakebathman and I’ll be more than happy to help you get started.