The Benefits of an Intuitive Workplace

Jake Croman
5 min readOct 25, 2019


Intuition will be an integral part of how workplaces build productivity and culture…

Intuition allows us to understand our feelings immediately, without the need of conscious logic. In traditional business, that seems contrarian. But more and more research indicates that it’s a characteristic needed for strong leadership skills like listening, reflection, self-examination, and communication. All of them benefit from using our intuitive feeling in tandem with rational practices, of course.

But intuition is also becoming increasingly important in the modern workplace. Partnered with new technologies like AI, big data and The Internet of Things (IoT), the “intuitive workplace”, a system that monitors workers’ environments, moods, wants and needs, has the potential to create a full-rounded and intelligent workspace.

Indeed, it can help transform the future of our work environments as we know it. Among its many benefits, these modern work environments, championed by entrepreneurs who know and understand the importance of intuition, can streamline workplace efficiency, bring about better awareness to employees and create stronger relationships.

Streamline Workplace Efficiency

It may seem like intuition and efficiency have no correlation, but that could be far from the truth. Intuition fosters the care that helps make us more productive workers. With new tools like big data analytics, employers will mine and gather details that can be used to streamline an employee’s job role and responsibilities. With visual, overhead screens connected to each employee’s wearable devices, these tools help them to view and analyze data on their performance, KPI and more.

It can help companies anticipate future challenges and opportunities. Most employees realize the value their data holds for their own performance and that of the company as a whole, so it’s no surprise that these analytical tools can help build more talented workforces that can complete tasks in efficient ways. However, it can also hold companies accountable through more transparent practices. Employees can see the financial wellbeing of their company.

As HRZone reports, intuitive work environments are a win-win situation for both company and employee because both get the transparent information that they need to get the job done and strategize for efficiency across each work role.

For example, Alit Wine is one company that uses transparency to analyze its productivity and pricing. Mark Tarlov says he wants to “shine a light on the places that the wine industry doesn’t talk about.”

One aspect of the industry that’s typically hush-hush is how much each aspect of the winemaking process costs. However, Alit Wine sells their product directly to consumers, and they detail exactly how much each step of production costs for the wines they sell.

Bring Awareness & Innovation to your Workplace

Under the umbrella of intuition, awareness is one key that helps us learn and understand more about ourselves and the world around us. But how can emerging technologies within an intuitive workplace help accentuate that awareness?

As mentioned above, big data, the visual eye of new tech, can bring that awareness by helping employees visualize their own abilities, performance and the needs of their customers. For instance, big data can track a product or service from design and implementation to the full consumer experience. As customers increasingly use big data to assess product and service, it can give workers a better framework, helping them become more aware of how they provide solutions in their everyday work habits and strategies.

Starbucks and Spotify are two major companies using emerging tech to help assess consumer needs. For instance, Starbucks uses a mobile app to display preferred orders so baristas can see it before the customers even get to the store. This speeds up performance and improves service times. Spotify also has it’s “Discover Weekly” feature which tracks a bevy of data and insights on how consumers search and listen to music. The data offers a keen perspective on what the company needs to help improve their services.

Not only can this open data offer a continuous live stream of information to create an aware team, it enhances the confidence and knowledge that allows workers to consider the financial and social impacts of everything they create and share. Ultimately, it helps people become more conscious of the world around them and how their actions impact others, guarding against mistakes and saving wasted energy, talent or resources.

Empathize and Build Strong Bonds with Workers

Intuitive workplaces of the future are going to make healthier atmospheres, especially for the mental stability of its employees. In our culture today, employees are expected to be “always-on” which can cause major stress. Entrepreneurs can encourage employees to mentally recharge and achieve balance through a hyper-connected, digital workplace. More so, it’s about using technology to balance and help intuition blossom.

This is because AI and big data can track an employees mood through wearable tech like SmartWatches and Fitbits. In conjunction with an Employee Assistance Program, entrepreneurs can better connect with their employees who are experiencing stress or depression. Businesses who are smart about improving workplace well-being will track all activity and become mood-responsive. The ultra-connected environment will be able to pre-empt everyone’s needs. Even the annual review process will be made more intuitive because employers can see where everyone’s strengths and weaknesses lie so they can better address the issues through understanding and mentorship opportunities. Further, emerging tech tools embedded within social media platforms can help work teams stay connected and collaborative.

Rusty and Sam Sailors, CEO and president, respectively, of San Diego–based Secure Smart Office have built a company centered on leveraging technology to bring greater humanity to the workplace. They are looking at ways to bring people closer together and make them feel more cared for, so that they can increase engagement, productivity and innovation. The company’s motto (and goal) is to “improve 1/3 of your day”; the proportion represents the time the average person spends at work.

If entrepreneurs don’t start to create more intuitive workplaces to the benefit of themselves, their workers, consumers and the overall world, then they could face a reputation as an unattractive or archaic company, loss of talent and ultimately collapse.
By 2030, we can expect most workplaces to be intuitive, allowing us to harness the power of our intuition through the power of these amazing new technologies.

Originally published on Thrive Global



Jake Croman

Jake Croman, current graduate student at New York University, philanthropist and entrepreneur