What is a Growth Hacker? (Updated for 2023)

Jake Madoff
5 min readDec 22, 2022


If you’re a digital marketer or business owner, you’ve probably heard the term “growth hacker” thrown around a lot. But what is a growth hacker, really? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the definition of a growth hacker and how they can help your business grow. We’ll also provide some updated tips and examples for 2023. So if you’re ready to learn more about growth hacking, read on!

Defining a growth hacker

A growth hacker is a person that uses technology, data, and creative marketing techniques to analyze and optimize an organization’s growth potential. They often focus on one thing only: growing the business. By launching new paid media and organic growth channels, evaluating user behavior, understanding buying cycles, and identifying processes that need a boost, growth hackers can raise customer acquisition rates significantly. Growth hackers leverage paid media channels like Meta, Google, TikTok, YouTube, programmatic, and LinkedIn; plus, organic means like search engine optimization (SEO) and email remarketing. All are harnessed to attract new customers quickly and drive sustainable results over the long term. Growth hackers are so important because they develop strategies for businesses to reach their goals in the most cost-effective way possible.

Outlining the skillset of a growth hacker

Growth hackers possess a unique skill set unparalleled in the world of digital marketing. They understand the importance of both creative and technical marketing techniques. For example, they are familiar with modern analytics tools such as Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, and other similar software packages. Furthermore, they understand how to track and measure results throughout campaigns in order to optimize for future initiatives. In addition, growth hackers are proficient in search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, the utilization of social media platforms for outreach purposes, and A/B testing — all crucial aspects of a successful digital marketing strategy. As such, the role of a growth hacker is becoming increasingly sought after due to its ability to drive rapid business expansion by optimizing resources and processes.

Describing how a growth hacker differs from a traditional marketer

A growth hacker is a modern term for a data-driven marketing specialist, primarily focused on finding cost-effective and creative ways to acquire and retain users. Unlike traditional marketers, they are not content to rely solely on tried-and-true marketing methods; instead, they leverage cutting-edge analytics tools in order to identify trends, gain insights into customer behavior, and continuously test new strategies. Growth hackers are highly technical marketers who are well-versed in a variety of web technologies such as SEO, APIs, web automation, and custom website builds. By taking advantage of these resources and applying them creatively to their campaigns, they are able to optimize results while minimizing costs associated with marketing techniques.

Some examples of companies that have used growth hacking effectively

Growth hacking is a term used frequently in the modern business world, but many do not know what it means. Simply put, growth hacking is a creative and cost-efficient use of digital tools to drive customer acquisition and growth. Companies such as Airbnb, Dropbox, and Uber are some of the most renowned examples of companies that have used growth hacking effectively over recent years. By leveraging existing online platforms for their early customers, Airbnb quickly acquired users needed to scale their product. Likewise, Dropbox took advantage of referral bonuses to foster virality and rapidly expand its user base. Similarly, Uber employed tactics like incentivizing existing drivers with increased payouts when they helped recruit more drivers into the platform. All of these tactics demonstrate how powerful growth hacking can be when seeking rapid growth for a company.

Tips for those interested in becoming a growth hacker

Becoming a growth hacker is an exciting career path that combines marketing, development, and data analysis knowledge. For those interested in pursuing this path, developing the right skill set is key. Start by understanding customer acquisition and retention strategies as well as customer segmentation and targeting. Develop strong technical skills, such as coding and website design, as well as analytical abilities in order to understand data trends and capitalize on opportunities to drive growth. Experience in optimizations through A/B tests can also prove helpful. Keep up with the latest industry trends related to user experience design and digital product management to ensure you are prepared for any type of challenge a growth hacker may face.

Key takeaways about what it takes to be successful in this field

Achieving success in this field requires a commitment to ongoing learning and growth, an appreciation for the importance of collaboration, and superb communication skills. It is important to stay abreast of technology trends and to have a good understanding of the fundamentals, such as coding languages and protocols, to deliver superior results. Building strong relationships with colleagues and clients is also key to succeeding in this field, as it will help foster trust and open up new opportunities for advancement. Lastly, staying organized by developing processes that streamline tasks is key to effective work management. By allocating resources efficiently and having the ability to problem-solve quickly and efficiently, professionals in this industry can be very successful.

A growth hacker is a marketer who uses creative and innovative ways to grow a company quickly. A growth hacker has a unique skill set that can be used to achieve rapid growth for a company through unconventional means. Growth hackers differ from traditional marketers in their approach to marketing, which is why they are often able to achieve results that traditional marketers cannot. If you are interested in becoming a growth hacker, it is important to have the right skill set and mindset. Some examples of companies that have used growth hacking effectively include Airbnb, Dropbox, and GitHub. The key takeaways about growth hacking are that it is an unorthodox form of marketing that can be very effective if done correctly and that those interested in this field need to have the right skill set and mindset.

Who’s the author?

My name is Jake Madoff. I’m a full-service growth marketing expert, specializing in paid social, paid search, SEO, and CRO. I’ve led growth at two multi-million dollar startups, founded three startups of my own, and through my 8-year freelance career, have worked with over 50 brands, ranging from small ($5K-$10K monthly spend) to large-sized media budgets ($500K+ monthly spend), helping these brands to optimize and scale their existing paid social media campaigns, evolve their creative strategy, and diversify their paid media marketing mix across different paid social channels. Much of my work with these clients is based on creating lean and efficient direct response campaigns across paid media channels so I can ensure we’ll find a channel that can scale with their marketing goals, whether it’s an eCommerce brand, a financial services company, or a local business owner trying to grow their practice. Learn more about my growth marketing work at jakemadoff.io



Jake Madoff

I’m a full-service growth marketing expert, specializing in paid social, paid search, OTT, Amazon Ads, programmatic Ads, SEO, and CRO.