Jake Orlowitz
2 min readAug 28, 2020
Photo by Matthieu Joannon on Unsplash

Come on in, due salutations

Tis the season for libations!

Put down all your earthly asks,

Please remove your stuffy masks.

How’s your mother, how’s your father?

Have you visited? Oh, why bother.

What else can we talk about.

Did you hear that moron shout?

Nevermind, that is depressing,

How our nation is regressing.

I meant to move to climes upbeat,

Anyways, just have a seat.

Let’s have some wine and have some cheese

Have some comfort, have some ease.

How’s James at college, kicking ass?

Or can he never go to class?

Is Suzy looking for a job?

Just walk right in and turn the knob.

Show a resume, flash a smile,

Careful this might take a while.

It’s hard to go from door to door,

When you’re lying on the floor.

Shelter’s such a mournful bore,

Netflix such a mounting chore.

Life’s a rut and nothing more;

My eyes are tired, butt is sore.

Oh how I’ve gotten so off topic,

Did you see Michelle’s biopic?

What a lady, what a gem.

How lucky were we to have them.

And now we have to have each other,

Even Eileen’s snoring brother.

Down there in the musty basement.

Better than on rotting pavement.

Yikes, I’ve one more time descended,

Past is past, and wounds are mended.

Now turn your eyes to those around you.

How your bounty does abound you.

Perk up your ears, I’ve got to say,

It’s time to relish a germ-free day.

Cherished friends all through the years

Gather round, let’s all say cheers


To all those In the room.

Including here:

And those on Zoom.



Jake Orlowitz

Internet citizen. Founder of The Wikipedia Library. Seeker of well people and sane societies. My book: My company: