The Importance of Best Business Mentors in Life

Jake Papa
2 min readJul 20, 2018

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a thousand more times. We are less in control of our lives than we think. If you take this as fact as I do, then you may feel a little bit discouraged. When I started feeling this way it discouraged me as well. The fact of the matter is, we do not all get the same opportunities. We do not get to choose what we are good at, and we do not get to choose which opportunities present themselves to us. But here is the key, although not all opportunity is equal, almost all of us get opportunities in one way or another. You NEED to welcome it when it knocks on your door.

The only way I know how to be proactive about creating opportunities you would never have thought of is by finding a good mentor. That sentence was a little confusing, let me explain. You cannot just wake up one morning and think differently than you are now. It takes a stimulus. It takes a cause. The easiest way is through a mentor. Business Mentors for Startups know more than you about so many different things; they can enlighten you about the Keys to Success in Business Plan. They have already been where you are now. They didn’t achieve without a good mentor/role model so why should you? The best part is if you pay close enough attention you can see all of the different things they are doing. You can see how they live differently. If you aspire to be like them, you need to mimic their work ethic and mindset. If you are a valuable and hard worker, they may even bring you aboard some of their projects.

That is what happened to me. My business partner showed me a different way to live. Neither of us was wealthy. Actually, we were dead broke. A mentor doesn’t always need to be someone wealthy. It is more important that Business Mentors for Startup have the mindset you want, and opens your eyes to a life you never knew you could have. After your eyes have been pried open to all the possibilities, it is up to you to work hard and achieve. We started a business together because we had similar mindsets and work ethics. We made our business grow like we knew it would. Although it is rare to choose our opportunities, it is far more within our power to select a mentor that will show you all the Keys to Success in Business Plan you have not thought of yet.



Jake Papa

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