Draft 7 — “Taboos of Nazareth”

2 min readOct 9, 2023


Mary and Joseph, the first ever case of infidelity and I liked the sound of that. Imagine Mary and Joseph but they’re keeping secrets, they’re shagging floozies, they’re the Posh and Becks of Nazareth. Constantly in the papers main headline, or at parties where they would have these massive arguments in front of everyone, and everyone secretly knew they were toxic together, but because it was “Mary and Joseph” they kind oflet it slide.

That is what I wanted this to feel like. The untouchables where both had been touched, just not by the other, and neither had a clue they had been.

On a more intellectual level(if I can even call it that), I did think this was quite beneficial to write about. The stories of the Bible are whatever you make of them, but some are beautiful and the parables hold some of the first true life lessons. But it has been the target of ridicule in writing for centuries! Jesus has been torn to shreds(no pun intended)by comedy. The stories taken into farcical worlds. Adam and Eve have been ruined, more than they already had been. I mean imagine being outwitted by a snake, who uses a piece of fruit. Not even a child is falling for that these days. Maybe if you used a Kinder Bueno and the kid was fat but that’s besides the point. Life of Brian.

1979 saw Life of Brian, a British satire where the neighbour of Jesus is mistaken for the real Jesus. It got reception like you wouldn’t believe. Good, bad and unholy levels of criticism or praise. God would have been proud. But it took what you could argue is the most taboo subject in the entire world, Religion, and used said taboo against itself. I think that’s what comedy can always be used for. Re-write taboos and get people thinking.

And I’m not saying that’s what I think I’m doing with this Joseph and Mary sketch. I just think it’s funny to rewrite Jesus’ parents into the modern era, with the attitudes that we now hold, to sort of hold a candle to how we’ve developed as a race of people. Did Joseph hear Mary’s news, and honestly say “fair enough babe, appreciate you, are we going to need benefits because the carpentry business is slow”.




I'm Jake. Impeccable Actor, Beautiful Writer, Incredible Stand Up Comedian and overall a very humble individual.