Blockchain and the Singularity

13 min readDec 17, 2019

Our Vision is simple — To create the possibility for blockchain to directly benefit the pursuit of the technological singularity, by combining current technologies and creating the missing puzzle pieces of singularity. Because of this we can finally see a more complete puzzle of singularity. Many of the technologies we think is needed, are already being worked on or developed. We will be explaining the general macro view of some projects who are already helping each other to achieve this goal of creating a technological singularity.

Evolution of Man and the Pursuit of Knowledge

Evolutionary Computation is a family of algorithms for global optimization inspired by biological evolution, and the sub field of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing studying these algorithms. Evolutionary Computation techniques can produce highly optimized solutions in a wide range of problem settings, making them popular in computer science. Many variants and extensions exist, suited to more specific families of problems and data structures. Evolutionary Computation is also sometimes used in Evolutionary Biology as an in silico experimental procedure to study common aspects of general evolutionary processes.

Series of Events

There are many events leading to an accelerating pace of change. We can see overtime more intense creations are being invented at an ever increasing rate.

Some examples:

  • (Agricultural Revolution <8,000 years> Industrial Revolution <120 years> Light Bulb <90 years> Moon Landing <22 years> World Wide Web <9 years> Human Genome Sequenced).

It took much longer just to bring the Agricultural Revolution to fruition than it did for all of the other’s shown on this timeline combined. Basically we can see humans have progressively evolved at an exponential rate over time. This means it is consistently taking much less time to create more breakthroughs over time.

What are we truly bound to in the universe?

Newton’s first law:

➢ Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it.

➢ Force equals mass times acceleration [ f (t) = m a (t) ]

➢ For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

These are the universal laws we must abide by, in order to improve the processes of life — in other words “IF” we are to train Artificial Intelligence to act as an external force to manipulate the levers and switches of molecular dynamics. Only then will we be able to produce the reactions needed to “fix” or “improve” the “protein folding” problems we are working on. Our focus will be Cellular Regeneration (For example:The Regenerating Mexican Salamander), followed by more intensive computations (the next steps will require the kind of processing power only available via universal adoption)

Moore’s Law and why it’s relevant

Computer technology, shown here climbing dramatically by powers of 10, is now progressing more each hour than it did in its entire first 90 years.

“The principle that the speed and capability of computers can be expected to double every two years, as a result of increases in the number of transistors a microchip can contain.” Moore’s Law

Singularity timeline of historic milestones

We can see here, the accelerating pace of technological evolution. Rapidly evolving the calculations per second from printing press to the first 3D chip in roughly 600 years.

Current State of Technology

There is an evolving torrent of research coming from national and international sources. Many of our current Technological advances are under continuous development. Here are 20 of some of the Technologies needed and currently already exist.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning)
  2. Internet of Things (IOT, IIOT, Sensors & Wearables)
  3. Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Systems, Cryptocurrencies & DApps)
  4. Big Data (Apps, Technologies + Predictive Analytics)
  5. Automation (Information, Task, Process, Machine, Decision&Action)
  6. Robots (Cons.,/Comm./Indus., Robots, Drones & Autonomous Vehicles)
  7. Cloud Computing (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS & Mesh Apps)
  8. 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing & Rapid Prototyping)
  9. Energy Tech (Efficiency, Energy Storage & Decentralized Grid)
  10. Cyber Security (Security, Intelligence Detection, Remediation & Adaptation)
  11. Nanotechnology (Computing, Medicine, Machines + Smart Dust)
  12. Collaborative Tech (Crowd, Sharing, Workplace & Opensource Platforms & Tools)
  13. Health Tech (Advanced Genomics, Bionics & Health Care Tech)
  14. Human-Computer Interaction (Facial-Gesture Recognition, Bio-metrics, Gaze Tracking)
  15. Advanced Materials (Composites, Alloys, Polymers, Bio-mimicry, Nano Manufacturing)
  16. Wireless Power
  17. Clean Tech (Bio./Envior-Materials + Solutions, Sustainability, Treatment & Efficiency)
  18. Quantum Computing (Exascale Computing)
  19. Faster Better Internet (Broadband Inclu. Fiber, 5G, Li-Fi, LPN & LoRa)
  20. Proximity Tech (Beacons, RFID, Wi-Fi, Near-Field Communications & Geo-fencing)

Many of the components needed for this project either exists or are actively being developed. Ultimately, we will be bringing all these concepts, and major breakthroughs together for the advancement of our vision.

The Next Big Leap

Now is the time for the next leap! Needed is THE single breakthrough, a paradigm shift that will propagate all other trees in the forest from one seedling.

Molecules need to be trackable by AI

Protein molecules have extremely complex folding behaviors, more than a human mind can comprehend. Since we don’t have brains able to process the required computations to understand the exponential number of processes required to complete the simplest of biological processes, we rely on AI to accurately predict these processes based on a plethora of environmental variables, and suggest appropriate corrections to the subject’s environment and medicine when required…

The accuracy of these computations cannot be overstated. What we currently understand; when protein molecules in our DNA and epigenomes make mistakes during the folding process, bad outcomes result; such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, antibiotic resistance and even substance abuse — just to name a few.

Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil has made a large number of predictions ever since he introduced his first book The Age of Intelligent Machines, where Kurzweil presented his ideas about the future. It was written from 1986 to 1989 and published in 1990. In this book Kurzweil talks about future predictions and when they came to fruition a majority of them were correct or very close to. Ray also has quite a few Futurism predictions (post 2019) he has in place and many viewers are eagerly awaiting the arrival of those dates to see if he is correct (Most seem to be on track to being correct). Ray also gives talks to express his optimistic outlook on Life extension technologies and how nanotechnology, robotics, and biotechnology will play a role in the longevity of a human life.

Major predictions made by Ray

Early 2000s

● Translating telephones allow people to speak to each other in different languages.

● Machines designed to transcribe speech into computer text allow deaf people to understand spoken words.

● Exoskeletal, robotic leg prostheses allow the paraplegic to walk.

Early 21st century

● The classroom is dominated by computers. Intelligent courseware that can tailor itself to each student by recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. Media technology allows students to manipulate and interact with virtual depictions of the systems and personalities they are studying.

● A small number of highly skilled people dominates the entire production sector. Tailoring of products for individuals is common.

● Doctors and medical students often train in virtual reality environments, which include haptic feedback and simulated patients.

● A $1,000 computer can perform a trillion calculations per second.

Obstacles we need to overcome

We can demonstrate how accurate Ray Kurzweil’s predictions have been thus far. We can postulate their future predictions are also correct. Under this assumption, WE can predict someone, or something will make Cellular Regeneration a reality, and cure (or at least suppress) diseases suffered by multitudes around the world. Why not us?! We have a plan, connections, and a drive to take that next giant leap into the future — to create a better life for all of humanity.

Some of Kurzweil’s future predictions are,


  • Computers are embedded everywhere in our environment (furniture, jewelry, walls, etc)


  • Computers are now capable of autonomously learning and creating new knowledge.
  • A $1000 USD personal computer is now 1,000x more powerful than the human brain.

2045 (The Singularity)

  • $1000 now buys a computer a billion times more intelligent than every human being combined.


  • Artificial food is commonly “assembled” by nano machines.


  • Some humans at least as old as the Baby Boomers are still alive and well.

Cellular Regeneration

Domino Effect

Finding the first domino to focus on can lead to a sequence of events that create a very bright and healthy future including massive improvements in the health and tech fields. The chain reaction of development inevitably leads to improved systems and processes, potentially extending lifespans. Some advancements in pursuit of life extension would have obvious applicability- like finding a cure for diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and many more.

An extension beyond medical benefits would be global improvements in world hunger. By artificially printing food with molecular printers we could eliminate the high resource cost of farming and cultivating crops — including in regions where it may not be possible to grow food (think Mars…).. Eventually, the domino effect could even redefine the very meaning of life when we can regenerate our own cells and death becomes optional.

Current conditions

There are definite signs of current possibilities evolving and making a step towards the direction of Cellular Regeneration. Here are a few of the current projects being worked on and where we think the future possibilities are within the realm. The ability to be able to cure some diseases, the process of growing limbs along with being able to print body parts and fixing birth defects. All of this can help create a longevity in human life as we know. Some of the things we use to do this are technologies such as early heart attack monitoring via data collected from devices like FitBit, Pedometer, food intake trackers, etc. One of the bigger developments is the use of AI (e.g., Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana).

By understanding current technology and how we use it we can then see a more clear picture on some of the futuristic possibilities this could bring. Some of these possibilities include printing the full molecular structure of a human body and striking it to life just to see what happens. Being able to control the molecules around you by living in the conscious energy sources in every atom. We can finally escape the previously inevitable death our bodies are bound to now and make death optional. Finally with enough calculations we would be able to create our own universe as everyone could now have the option to create their own forms of life and oversee what they create.

Our Puzzle Pieces Towards Cellular Regeneration

During our journey of blockchain and other various Technologies, we have collected a few projects worth mentioning who we think have the Vision to enhance the pursuit of singularity through blockchain. These are some of the puzzle pieces we have accumulated and generated to help this process as a whole.


ScienceBlockchains: A group of unique technology platforms with the shared goal of utilizing blockchain solutions to improve life. Our current members include Curecoin & Foldingcoin, Gridcoin, and Neureal. Our current recruiting efforts include Veriblock, and any other chain that will benefit the overall outcome of the protection and creation of open source science for the AI to read and understand.

Curecoin & Foldingcoin

Curecoin and Foldingcoin are similar in many ways and different in others. Some of the ways they are the same are, they both incentivize the simulation of open source molecular interactions with Folding @ Home at Stanford University, specifically biological proteins interacting to provide the research needed for the AI to understand. They both have the ability to attach to other DCN’s (Distributed Computing Networks) that are open source and can provide more data for the AI to calculate across a broad spectrum of projects — including exobiology, astrobiology, medicinal, and deep space mapping to name a few . These projects bring together the great minds from the scientific realm to collaborate and work towards one common goal making this a great social impact. Some of the differences between the two are; Curecoin is its own blockchain currently based off the peercoin model and Foldingcoin is a Counterparty asset on the Bitcoin blockchain.


Gridcoin is similar to the two projects previously mentioned except instead of being directly targeted towards molecular data of proteins, Gridcoin is more focused on the overall general scientific outlook. The project still does molecular protein folding with Rosetta @ Home with Berkeley University but also does other types research we will need for the future data for the AI. Through modules like Asteroid@Home and SETI Gridcoin is enabling support for scientific efforts like: Mapping the Milky Way galaxy, Search for spinning neutron (pulsars), Dark matter/Universe Model Research, etc.


Neureal is a fully decentralized and open source Artificial Intelligence computing network. This infrastructure is built with the power of blockchain and loaded with the ability of predictive analytics. This can allow AI to have a heuristic problem solving approach when previous methods for finding an approximate solution, when classic methods fail to find any exact solution. Neureal will be the hosting platform for the AI to be computed on to understand molecular structures and eventually being able to manipulate the molecules needed for Cellular Regeneration.

Current Recruiting Efforts

A current recruiting effort we have for this is a blockchain by the name of Veriblock. This blockchain protects smaller blockchains by tethering them to the primary Bitcoin blockchain. Blockchains secured by Veriblock benefit from the complexity of encryption protocols used in conjunction with Veriblock’s own security, creating a magnitude larger security without inhibiting functionality. One of the main functions for Veriblock is a built in early-attack warning system for detecting fraudulent transactions, hacking attempts, and exchanges who trade the cryptocurrency on their platform. This prevents previous ways of a re-organizational attack on the blockchain attached to Veriblock. This will also help keep the incentivization of science blockchains safe and secure but also the Neureal platform to protect the AI from being successfully attacked.

Future Projects

Science Blockchains is working on a unique, long-term solution called Phoenyx, this is designed to unify all science Blockchains into a single token. Participation would be optional, but has a great chance in stabilizing volatility “Beta”.

Smaller Projects

A couple of the smaller projects we have going are Installation, Management, and Cloud Folding. First we will be installing all hardware and software needed for the AI and other projects to speed up research, make things more secure, and help the AI think more critically. We can leverage the many documents and learning courses built throughout our history. Cloud Folding gives us the ability to rent our Cloud computing for others to earn the respected crypto, the said user crypto balance is reflected from the amount of scientific molecular research computed for the chosen project on a DCN (Distributed Computing Network) like a University Research Lab.

Projects Down the Road

Another important project we will have coming to bring Cellular Regeneration to fruition is ManticAI. We will train ManticAI to understand all the ways molecular structures move in our body (for starters). Then train ManticAI to simultaneously network and engage with the IoT in a controlled way. Billions of nanobots could move the levers of the proteins in our DNA leading us to train a way for ManticAI to create Cellular regeneration. Based off all the open source data of the research facilities where the data is incentivized, ManticAI will be self sufficient and manage all of its own currency for services.

Current Needs

Some of the current needs we have are subject matter experts to develop the above ideas. We have the need for programmers and developers with expertise in cloud-based blockchains to incentivize research and computing power to help us move forward faster and be safe. We also have a need for more web presence and marketing to display and advertise our message and get people involved. Another is the robotics category, this is needed to make the Nanotech we need for AI to manipulate the molecular structures of our body. Engineers can help design the 3D printed structures needed by the AI, or alternatively able to provide the data points necessary to have the AI help us do this. During these processes we need material sciences to develop substances and materials needed to safely deploy Nanotechnology.

Possibilities As The Puzzle Gets More Complete

One small step after Cellular Regeneration, the same technology and development will build towards a future where anything may be possible. By having enough computing power and resources, we can understand how to manipulate molecules. Anything is possible and brings us to a giant leap into the future.

Space Exploration

To meet the material and space needs for further development and expansion, we would need to not only populate other planets but solar systems and even galaxies potentially. Now we have new ways of travel and longevity in space when we can convert materials to and from each other utilizing machines and tools built from the understanding of Cellular Regeneration. AI could now further develop and explore means of travel such as advanced propulsion drives, quantum folding, black holes, or other means we haven’t had the understanding enough to think of yet.

Economical Impacts

By being able to create what you want and need, you could find old forms of value obsolete and worth a lot less too. Now we require matter to receive the satisfaction of creating what we wish and by doing so allowing us to continuously live and improve.


The old way of transportation would be a thing of the past. Conversion of matter would also lead to the ability to travel (real world or in cyber form e.g. an Avatar) through electrons at speeds previously thought unachievable.

Earth’s survival

Once we are able to control the molecules, then you can fix the climate and pollution issue. Also we can stop other types of natural disasters.

Universal Consciousness

Allowing us to connect through a Universal Network (think of the internet and how we connect now), but it would be throughout the universe and could interface with life in new ways.


As the sun is setting from one era, there is a sun rising to another. Cellular Regeneration can lead us to an inclusive, equitable, positive and abundant future we all want to live in.

“The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge” ALBERT EINSTEIN

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