ICON Use Case — STIN Progress Report #1

Jakob Gmoser
3 min readAug 27, 2020

To provide transparency amongst our community on the progress of the STIN project we will regularly publish reports focussing on the development process. If you want to know more about why we are working on this project, check out our recent blog post here.


We are currently in the middle of the development of the mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. The basic concept of the App and the user interface is already implemented. But there are still a few small details which need attention from development side.

The integration of the NFC scan functionality is already fully implemented for Android. On iOS, the usage of the NFC interface wasn’t fully enabled for third-party-developers for a long time, therefore this needs still a little more time to be fully functioning.

Screenshots of the current development state of the apps

Moreover, a simple SCORE has already been developed to which the final list with the public key, an index number and a timestamp will be pushed before the start of the sale. Without any doubt, this SCORE will only allow one list to be pushed into it, therefore no one, not even we, can manipulate the list afterwards.

The landing page, which will provide more information around this project is also already in development.

Integration of Infineon NFC solution

On the hardware side, Infineon already provided the NFC chips and we have equipped ourselves with all the required devices to communicate with them. We have already created a fully secure public-private-keypair on each NFC chip. This is an operation which has to be processed very carefully, in order that no errors occur later. Therefore, we didn’t really automate the process and initialised every chip manually.

From technical perspective, Infineon has already optimised the chips for placement on glass bottles containing liquid. These considerations are also important for the usability of the final application.

Other important news

STIN has in the meantime come up with a very nice label solution for the bottles which will highlight the high quality and exclusiveness of the product as well as the technological advancements packed into it.

What’s next?

In the next weeks we will focus on the integration of the NFC scan feature in the iOS app in order to guarantee it’s full functionality to our customers. In general, there are a few last tweaks which have to be made to both of the apps to optimise the overall user experience.

We will also continue developing the landing page, in order to provide one central place with all information about the project as soon as possible.

Since the initialisation of all the chips is done now, we can also start testing all the functions of the mobile apps and see if everything works out as expected.

If you have any questions join our telegram group we will gladly answer them.

About block42
At block42 we invest in the most promising crypto ecosystems and help them secure their networks. We provide consulting and development services on top of those protocols to bring adoption and to co-create a decentralised future.

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