Sketch vs. Photoshop?! — What is the better choice?

Jakob Sturm
3 min readMay 2, 2017


A lot of people are switching, a lot of people are staying and a lot of people are not sure. Is it really worth to switch from Photoshop to Sketch? I will tell you my experience and why I will never switch back.

A little background — I was using Photoshop for five years. It was my go-to software for UI design. The feeling was good; I was used to it, I developed a good workflow with it. I thought I will never ever switch. So here I am right now — only using Sketch for my UI work.

What is the difference to Photoshop?

Before getting deeper into why I made the decision and how it felt, I would like to explain to you what the differences between these two programs are.

Basically, Sketch has been created for UI Design, Photoshop, as the name says, is made for photos. Sketch has functionalities like creating artboards, text styles, easy color management, mood boards and so much more. This is a never ending list.
If you want to see the difference between this two software then you should definitely read this interesting post.

So again back to my story — I saw all of these advantages, but somehow I just didn’t want to switch. I really don’t know why.

Why I finally switched to Sketch?

The story is not that exciting. Not at all.

I was doing an internship in a digital agency for three months; every designer there was using Sketch for their designs. So I had to do the same to be able to work with them.

In the beginning, it was a weird feeling and I just didn’t feel comfortable with it. However, discomfort is something good in my opinion, and as it turned out it was totally worth it.


Sketch is an excellent example that cheap doesn’t mean that it is crap or scam. Sketch costs 99$ dollars. No subscription — no nothing. You pay once — and you own it for your whole life.

Comparing that to Adobe’s subscription model — it is a lot cheaper and you are not paying for all these useless software which is part of the creative cloud. So if your only reason to subscribe to the Creative Cloud is Photoshop for your UI design, then I would definitely switch to Sketch — you are wasting a lot of money.

Only on Mac

Sketch only runs on Mac. Now the question “Who the fuck uses a Windows computer for creative work?!” — Me, yes I am still working on Windows.

How to deal with Sketch on Windows?

Pretty simple, just install a virtual machine on your Windows machine and there you go. There are good tutorials on the internet explaining how to deal with it.


I am using it now for over a half a year — and for now, I never had the feeling that it was a bad purchase.

So if you are thinking about using Sketch — just do it! Try it Sketch has a “30 days free trial”. You will never switch back.

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