Loyal Insurance Now, Save up the costs of Car Insurance

Jakovo Vb
4 min readNov 11, 2016



In the past few years, the premium paid towards car insurance has risen significantly. However, if you follow a few steps, you can end up saving a lot in the car insurance cost. Generally, finding the best suited policy for you is an exercise which is similar. People have to target policies that have great terms and conditions and are available at a decent price. You also get a great deal when you buy an insurance policy when there is an offer and people should not get lured by the attractive rates. Rather, they should check for the plans available and decide on the plan that suits their needs the best. Loyal Insurance also ensure provide you with the best deals on insurance by considering a wide range of factors. If you need any assistance, you can get in touch with our associates and they will be glad to assist you with a free quote over telephone or mail. Listed below are a few tips that are highly useful when you are planning to avail an automobile insurance:

1. Pair your Car and Home insurance policies together!

Certain companies offer an attractive discount of up to 15% if you have your home and car insurance combined in a single policy. When you pair it up, you can save a significant amount of money and you do not have to worry about your home or car! In short, it is similar to having two different policies and bundling it for billing; which helps you save a few bucks. Although most of the people are not aware regarding this discount, please spend time to research regarding the offers available and the ways in which it can be beneficial.

2. Try all possible discounts that you are eligible for!

In the insurance industry, there are a variety of discounts available and when you are buying a policy, you would obviously want something that works out cheap! Hence, before you buy a discount, it is best recommended that you check for the discounts available. There are multiple discounts available and you would be eligible at least for one kind of discount.

3. Clean Track Record

When you have a clean track record and no history of accidents for over three years, you will be eligible to enjoy discounted rates on the premium and you might be able to save as much as 20%of the premium. Hence, ensure that you do not have any tickets or histories of accidents.

4. Discounts for senior citizens

If you are a senior citizen, you will be eligible for a discount as well. For people who are aged over 60 and have a clean driving record, discounts may be applicable for up to 10%.

5. Discount on low mileage

If you do not drive much and if you average driving every month is below 1,000 miles, you are eligible for a discount ranging from 5% to 10%. Hence, for people who sparingly drive, this is a great way for availing discounts.

6. Good Credit Score

If your credit rating is good, the premium you pay for your insurance cover also goes down automatically. For a credit rating of above 700, the average discount is 10%.

There are multiple ways in which discounts can be availed. Hence, it is best recommended that you go through the discounts available at the Loya Insurance company website.

7. Increased Deductibles

Rather than going through the tedious methods, another simple way in which you can avail a discount is by increasing the deductible amount. If the deductible amount is over $1,000, you can enjoy the maximum discounts and it might go up to 15%!

Due to this, you will end up saving a significant amount of money on your premium and hence, for the same price, you can have better policies in place. Also, if in case you are involved in an accident, you will not have to pay the full amount as the insurance will always be present.

8. Upfront payment of your premium

It is highly recommended that you pay a lump sum of your insurance premium, as this might result in a discount as well! If you go by the monthly payment option, there will be a surcharge levied by the insurance provider, due to which your total payment will be more. Although it does not seem to be much, when you consider the perspective of 2–3 years, the cost might range in hundreds. Hence, it is best recommended that you pay the entire amount in one go rather than paying a charge every month. When you pay it outright, you will not have to worry about the payments and stop worrying about the payments for the next year.

Explore Loyal insurance website more to get the best insurance policies available. Our regular visitors are able to save over $500 on an average every year by shopping with us. When you purchase your insurance policy online, you are able to save greatly on the insurance. You can also request for a custom quote Loyal Insurance Company and it is easy to avail an insurance with us online!

