What Happens To The Human Body When We Are Stressed?

Delve into the intricacies of stress response and its unforeseen effects

Jakub Jirak
Better Habits


Image courtesy of the author — created with Mindjourney

The stress trigger can be practically anything. For each person, a stressful situation looks a little different. For some, it may be lots of noise and lights. For another person, it may be loneliness, while another of us may perceive this feeling during public appearances.

However, it is also possible to find stressors that are more or less the same for most people, such as a crying baby or being part of a car accident. These triggers, or so-called stressors, are simply so diverse that it is not possible to categorise them clearly into groups. If we try to group them, we can categorise them as follows, for example:

  • Physical — light, noise.
  • Mental — for example, when we don’t meet deadlines for submitting a project at work, a deadline in a magazine, or deadlines for delivering essays at university.
  • Chemical — like alcohol and tobacco.
  • Social — such as crowds.

However, this article will not just be about how stress is bad and all the negative consequences it has ironically because it would make us all even more stressed out. We’ll break down the issue of stress nicely and calmly to give…



Jakub Jirak
Better Habits

Content creator | Cat dad | Writing about Technology, Apple, and Innovations. | Proud editor of Mac O'Clock. | Support me at https://ko-fi.com/jakubjirak