Original vs Fourier transform an image

How to perform Fourier transformation in an image using Matlab?

Jalal Mansoori
5 min readMay 19, 2020

Step by step tutorial to play with Fourier transform in image :)

What you’ll learn :

  1. Why I made this tutorial?
  2. Brief Introduction of Fourier transformation
  3. Line by Line Matlab code explanation
  4. Youtube Video
  5. Application of Fourier transformation in images

Let’s get started :)

First of all, I would like to thank my university professor for teaching topics like these that out of curiosity I decided to make a tutorial for you.

Of course with the help of the open-source community!

Why I made this tutorial?

Well, I like to explore and make stuff out of whatever I’m interested in learning and then at last share and collaborate with the community.

Currently, in my foundational computer vision course, we are learning amazing topics like Fourier transformation, Frequency analysis, Histogram equalization of image and so I was amazed to know that Fourier transform of an image is giving us some information/details about the original image.



Jalal Mansoori

I am a Computer Science graduate and I find myself somewhere at the intersection of Learn, Create, and Share. https://medium.com/@jalalmansoori/membership