How to Generate a Full Book Cover Even If You Can’t Design Properly

Kulay Formaran
5 min readJul 2, 2024


Hello, aspiring authors! You’ve poured your heart and soul into writing your book, and now it’s time to create a captivating cover that will attract readers and make your book stand out. But what if you’re not a professional designer? Don’t worry! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to generate a full book cover even if you can’t design properly. With the right tools and tips, you can create a professional-looking cover that reflects the essence of your book. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Photo by Rain Bennett on Unsplash

1. Understand the Elements of a Book Cover

Why It’s Important: Understanding the key elements of a book cover helps you create a balanced and visually appealing design.

Key Elements:

  • Front Cover: Includes the title, subtitle (if any), author name, and cover image or illustration.
  • Spine: Displays the title, author name, and publisher logo (if applicable).
  • Back Cover: Contains a brief book description, author bio, reviews or endorsements, and ISBN barcode.

Example of Elements:

  • “The front cover of your book should have a clear and readable title, an engaging image, and your name as the author.”

“A well-designed book cover captures the essence of your story and entices readers to pick it up.”

2. Use Online Book Cover Design Tools

Why It’s Important: Online design tools are user-friendly and offer pre-made templates, making it easy to create a professional-looking book cover without design skills.

Recommended Tools:

  • Canva: Offers a wide range of customizable book cover templates.
  • Adobe Spark: Provides design templates and tools for creating stunning book covers.
  • BookBrush: Specifically designed for authors, with templates and tools for book covers and marketing images.

How to Use These Tools:

  • Choose a Template: Select a book cover template that fits your genre and style.
  • Customize the Design: Add your book title, author name, and other text. Customize colors, fonts, and images to match your book’s theme.
  • Download and Save: Once you’re satisfied with the design, download the cover in high resolution.

Example of Using Online Tools:

  • “Using Canva, select a template, customize it with your book details, and download the finished cover in minutes.”

3. Select the Right Images and Fonts

Why It’s Important: The right images and fonts can enhance the appeal of your book cover and convey the tone of your book.

Tips for Choosing Images:

  • High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images to ensure your cover looks professional.
  • Relevant Imagery: Choose images that reflect the content and genre of your book.
  • Stock Photos: Use stock photo sites like Unsplash, Pexels, and Shutterstock for high-quality images.

Tips for Choosing Fonts:

  • Readable Fonts: Ensure the title and author name are easy to read.
  • Complementary Fonts: Use fonts that complement each other and fit the genre.
  • Font Pairing Tools: Use tools like Google Fonts to find font pairings that work well together.

Example of Selecting Images and Fonts:

  • “For a mystery novel, choose a dark, moody image and pair it with a bold, suspenseful font.”

4. Consider Color Psychology

Why It’s Important: Colors evoke emotions and can influence a reader’s perception of your book. Understanding color psychology can help you choose colors that align with your book’s theme.

Basic Color Meanings:

  • Red: Passion, intensity, excitement
  • Blue: Calm, trust, stability
  • Yellow: Happiness, energy, warmth
  • Green: Growth, harmony, freshness
  • Black: Power, elegance, mystery

How to Apply Color Psychology:

  • Genre-Specific Colors: Choose colors that match the mood of your genre (e.g., dark colors for thrillers, bright colors for children’s books).
  • Contrasting Colors: Use contrasting colors to make text stand out against the background.

Example of Using Color Psychology:

  • “A romance novel might use warm reds and pinks to convey passion and love.”

5. Get Feedback and Make Adjustments

Why It’s Important: Feedback from others can provide valuable insights and help you improve your book cover design.

How to Get Feedback:

  • Ask for Opinions: Share your cover design with friends, family, or writing groups.
  • Use Social Media: Post your design on social media and ask for feedback from your audience.
  • Professional Opinions: If possible, seek feedback from a professional designer or someone experienced in book marketing.

How to Apply Feedback:

  • Identify Common Themes: Look for common suggestions or criticisms in the feedback.
  • Make Adjustments: Revise your design based on the feedback to enhance its appeal.
  • Final Review: Once adjustments are made, review the cover again to ensure it meets your expectations.

Example of Getting Feedback:

  • “Post your book cover design in a writing forum and ask for constructive criticism to refine your cover.”

6. Use Book Cover Design Services

Why It’s Important: If you’re still unsure about your design skills, professional book cover design services can help you create a stunning cover without the hassle.

Recommended Services:

  • 99designs: Connects you with professional designers who can create custom book covers.
  • Fiverr: Offers a range of freelance designers with varying prices and styles.
  • Reedsy: Provides access to experienced book cover designers.

How to Use These Services:

  • Browse Designers: Look through portfolios to find a designer whose style matches your vision.
  • Provide Details: Share your book’s details, genre, and any specific ideas you have for the cover.
  • Review and Revise: Work with the designer to review drafts and make necessary revisions.

Example of Using Design Services:

  • “Hire a designer on Fiverr to create a custom book cover that reflects your story’s theme and attracts readers.”

7. Ensure Your Cover Meets Industry Standards

Why It’s Important: Meeting industry standards ensures your book cover is professionally designed and suitable for print and digital distribution.

Industry Standards to Consider:

  • Dimensions and Resolution: Ensure your cover meets the required dimensions and resolution for print and eBook formats.
  • Spine Width: Calculate the correct spine width based on the number of pages and paper type.
  • File Formats: Save your cover in high-resolution formats like JPEG, PNG, or PDF.

How to Check Industry Standards:

  • Publishing Platforms: Check the guidelines of the platform you plan to publish on (e.g., Amazon KDP, IngramSpark).
  • Professional Templates: Use templates provided by these platforms to ensure your cover fits the specifications.

Example of Ensuring Industry Standards:

  • “Use Amazon KDP’s cover template to create a cover that fits their requirements for both print and eBook formats.”

Conclusion: Create a Captivating Book Cover Without Being a Designer

Creating a captivating book cover doesn’t require you to be a professional designer. By understanding the elements of a book cover, using online design tools, selecting the right images and fonts, considering color psychology, getting feedback, using professional services, and ensuring your cover meets industry standards, you can create a professional-looking cover that attracts readers and reflects the essence of your book.

Photo by Tim Alex on Unsplash

Start your journey today and create a book cover that makes your story shine. Remember, your book’s cover is the first impression readers will have, so make it count!

