Peaceful Mind
3 min readJan 11, 2022


A Little History Of ViCA

ViCA has created a company model that is similar to a mathematical model known as FSM (Finite-state Machine) or Finite Ontology. A logic model is a self-operating machine that completes its job without the assistance of complex and challenging management. In recent times, the notion of Automata is frequently applied in the realms of hardware and software.

Efficient Ecosystem

ViCA needed a more efficient way to finish constructing the business model as quickly as feasible. It was willing to accomplish the systems in a brief period by focusing on the primary aspects and finishing the subsidiary components with help from outside experts.

Air has existed for a very long time, but it has only recently begun to provide electricity to humans, thanks to the development of wind power turbines. In the instance of ViCA, the discount trading community in the digital service sector is analogous to wind, and the arbitrage trading system is analogous to a wind turbine. And the ViCA Balloon is a boundless, unlimited capital charger.

ViCA In Terms Of Business

In the early stages, ViCA Token used decentralized exchange transactions to pay superfluous costs in the beginning business. Furthermore, ViCA was created with no lock-in, which prohibits token transfer. Caused by early buyers’ large-scale sell to make a profit, projects with sales for funding frequently endure price drops. It’s why ViCA elected not to pursue a business model that raises funds from token sales and secures tokens.

ViCA’s Goal

ViCA needs to embrace the company’s business social duty and recognize the necessity to contribute towards the transfer of not just profit but also understanding to users in the form of result in a significant. ViCA’s ultimate goal is to achieve Noflation of learning, which will allow participants to benefit indefinitely.

ViCA’s Strategy

ViCA employs a distribution and extermination approach similar to that of natural beauty. ViCA Organization has selected the Tik technique, which focuses on scattering to expand the ecosystem, and the Tok method, and constantly returns scattered tokens.

ViCA’s Token As A Profit

Profit-sharing for ViCA Tokens will take place in an environment known as the ViCA Balloon. The financial fundamentals that were originally purchased will become the underlying assets of the Arbitrage System. Profits from advantage trading will become the integral gain and will be provided as the input value to the asset supply system in the next phase. The asset distribution must be split into two output values based on the ratio specified by the ViCA foundation. The initial output will be recorded as the asset class of the arbitrage trading system and utilized to increase working capital. The features of a two-tone will be used to calculate the cost of ensuring ViCA’s exchange value (Buy-back). That is to say,


That will be nice of you to be an investor in ViCA’s project as it has an amazing project ahead for the traders, who are thinking about long-term holding. So, the tokens will rise shortly and stay updated by joining all the social media links of ViCA. That will be an effective step of ViCA indeed.

#vica #arbitrage #vibot #VicaBalloons #Giveaway #airdrop #bounty

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Forum Username: Heulahee

Forum Profile Link:;u=2346289

Telegram Username: @lkjhdnm

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Coinsbit registration Email:

ViCA address on Coinsbit : 0x3445193F0c967cC238Ce22f9910131cd69919C0b

