Spy Drones: The Future Is Here!

James Ford
5 min readMar 1, 2017


We have all seen the movies; the ones where spy drones are used to zone in on the bad guys by the government or some big secret organization. Have you ever wondered if those would be real? They are! Now that modern technology has caught up, we can own a spy drone and do our own exploration!

Still, you should keep in mind that spying is illegal and you should do research about how your state laws and spy drones go together. You want to know the things you can and cannot do before you buy a spy drone. You are welcome to use it as a security device, keeping you and your neighbors safe. Spy drones do serve a great purpose besides being too sneaky!

Spy Drone

While you have seen spy drones in the movies, those would be more like law enforcement drones, which are a little different than the ones we will discuss today. We will go over civilian spy drones, which are available widely and can be purchased by anyone.

Knowing the Law

All you need is a spy drone, camera and a screen in which to watch what your drone is capturing, and record it. But there are laws as far as flying personal objects due to those who regulate the air space. The bigger the spy drone, the more regulations there are. You can be sued if someone else thinks you are spying on them, as some laws can be unclear. Be sure to do all of the research you can about the air space, personal space and other factors before you purchase the spy drone.

Top Spy Drone Reviews for Your Consideration

Hubsan X4 H107D

Dimensions: 7.3 x 7.1 x 1.6 inches

Item Weight: 6.4 ounces

Color: White with Red

This Hubsan model is actually pretty stable and strong for a beginner model. It comes with an FPV set so that way you can view exactly what your spy drone is capturing. This model is also under $100, which is a great price, considering spy drones can cost hundreds of dollars. It is recommended that you appropriately learn how to use it and read the instructions. Once you can get used to this Hubsan, you will want to fly the drone all the time!

It does come in 2 modes: Advanced and Basic. With the Basic mode, you will fly slower as you learn how to use your drone confidently. The Advanced mode lets you fly faster. This model is considered one of the best on the market!

DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ V3.0

DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ V3.0

Dimensions: 17 x 8.1 x 12.5 inches

Item Weight: 8.8 pounds

Color: White with Red

This Phantom comes with a built-in HD camera and also an FPV system, which is all that you need! The camera is 14 megapixels and it will record in 1080p. You can also stream from WiFi, and you can connect to Android and iOS with it! The camera is stable and will give you some great aerial footage that is near movie quality! You can use this model for all of your spying, and filmmaking, needs with ease!

3D Robotics Iris

3D Robotics Iris

Dimensions: 24.5 x 13.1 x 5.5 inches

Item Weight: 9.5 pounds

Color: Black with Blue

If you want a high-tech spy drone, this is your answer! The Iris includes the Pixhawk system which is its autopilot system, which allows you to program the takeoffs and the landings and other things like mission parameters! The bad part is that this spy drone is expensive and a camera needs to be purchased for it. Users do state that this is still one of the best high-tech spy drones you can find on the market right now.

Pros and Cons of Spy drones

When it comes to choosing a spy drone, you will want to factor in the cost, as well as the features of the drone itself. Be sure to look into specifics such as how long it will stay in the air, and how long it will take to charge. Let us take a look at some of the pros and cons of spy drones below.


  • Some drones are really a bang for their buck, and you should compare features to the price.
  • Spying drones give you fantastic aerial footage, allowing you to use them for spying and making your own films, if you like that type of thing.
  • People find new ways to use their spy drones every day!
  • You get to feel like a real pilot, telling your drone where to go and what to do, all from the ground!
  • Besides videos, you can use the camera to take beautiful photos that have amazing quality!


  • Do not buy a cheaply made product as the battery life will not last long and you will be charging it more often. You may need to purchase separate batteries if you want to use it longer, or if your other battery is charging.
  • This hobby can get pricey, so know your limits and work within your own budget. Saving up for a period of time can ensure you get the spy drone of your dreams!
  • If you are new to flying any type of drone, you might not have a great first-time experience. You have to learn how to use the drone, the functions, and more. Having an experienced drone user help you can be key. Take the time to learn all about your fun new spy drone!

Spy drones are definitely fun and amazing gadgets, allowing you to see up in the air, giving you a beautiful view and one where you can look over your area for safety. Picking the right model might be difficult, but hopefully these reviews help you choose the one that is right for you. As long as you know and obey the laws in your state, you will enjoy many hours with your spy drone!

