Wix’s Booking System Vs Squarespace Scheduling: Which Is Better?

2 min readJul 10, 2024


Wix’s Booking System offers more customization, catering to diverse business needs, while Squarespace Scheduling prioritizes simplicity and integration with its website builder. The choice depends on your specific requirements — Wix’s user-friendly interface may appeal if you value accessibility, but Squarespace’s more complex experience allows greater customization. Both platforms provide tiered pricing starting around $12-$14/month, with Wix offering integrated payments and customer management. Wix’s robust integration capabilities across payment gateways, CRM, and calendars give it an advantage, though Squarespace’s more limited options may suffice for some. Ultimately, your ideal solution lies in aligning the platforms’ strengths with your business needs.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆


Feature Comparison

When it comes to feature comparison, Wix’s Booking System and Squarespace Scheduling offer a range of capabilities that cater to different business needs.

Wix’s solution provides more customization options, while Squarespace’s tool focuses on simplicity and integration with its website builder.

Ultimately, the better choice depends on your specific requirements and preferences.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is a crucial factor when comparing Wix’s Booking System and Squarespace Scheduling, as it determines how accessible and intuitive the platforms are for both business owners and their customers.

Wix’s Booking System is known for its user-friendly interface, while Squarespace Scheduling offers a more complex but customizable experience.

Ultimately, the ease of use will depend on individual preferences and business needs.

Pricing and Value

Considering the pricing and value proposition, Wix’s Booking System and Squarespace Scheduling vary in their offerings, with each platform catering to distinct business needs and budgets.

Wix’s Booking System offers:

  • Tiered plans starting at $14/month
  • Customizable booking page and online scheduling
  • Integrated payments and customer management

Squarespace Scheduling’s plans start at $12/month with similar features.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆

Integration Capabilities

How greatly Wix’s Booking System and Squarespace Scheduling integrate with other tools and platforms can importantly impact their overall utility for businesses.

Wix’s Booking System offers robust integration capabilities, allowing users to sync with various payment gateways, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and even third-party calendar apps.

Conversely, Squarespace Scheduling’s integration options, while present, may be more limited compared to Wix’s more extensive integration ecosystem.

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