How to Document Endpoints Using OpenAPI Specification

Jamalla Zawia
12 min readNov 5, 2023


Keywords: OpenAPI Specification API documentation Endpoints YAML JSON HTTP methods Parameters Request/Response bodies Status codes Security definitions Validation Testing Integration Best practices

The OpenAPI Specification, previously known as the Swagger Specification, is a specification for a machine-readable interface definition language for describing, producing, consuming and visualizing web services.

In this guide, we will go through the process of how to create a comprehensive and standardized documentation for any backend APIs. Our main headlines are:

  • Understanding OpenAPI Specification
  • Setting Up OpenAPI File
  • Documenting API Endpoints
  • Parameter Definitions and Data Types
  • Response Definitions and Status Codes
  • Security Definitions
  • Integrating OpenAPI Specification

Understanding OpenAPI Specification

API documentation standardization is crucial for effective communication and collaboration between developers and backend engineers. OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is introduced as a solution to standardize API documentation. It explains the key components of OAS, including the YAML/JSON structure, API paths, HTTP methods, parameters, request/response bodies, and more.

Understanding OpenAPI Specification

Setting Up OpenAPI File

An OpenAPI file acts as a blueprint for your API documentation. It’s essential to understand its structure and sections. It typically starts with the info section containing general information about the API, he paths section outlines the available endpoints and their operations, and additional sections like components help in defining reusable parts of the API description.

You can create an OpenAPI file in either YAML or JSON format. Both have their advantages. YAML is more human-readable and simpler to write, making it an excellent choice for writing and maintaining documentation, while JSON might be preferred for machine-to-machine communication due to its strict syntax. In this guide we will be using YAML.

Setting Up OpenAPI File

Here’s an example of how the OpenAPI file should look, containing the info, components, and paths sections with detailed descriptions:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Example API
version: 1.0.0
description: An example API using OpenAPI.
- url:

type: object
type: integer
type: string
  • OpenAPI Version: Set as 3.0.0
  • Info: Includes the title, version, and a brief description of the API.
  • Servers: Specifies the URL where the API is hosted.
  • Components: Under schemas, there's a model named User defined as an object with properties id and name.

It’s essential to maintain a well-organized structure in your OpenAPI file. Use comments and sections to make the file more readable and understandable for anyone referencing it. Consider breaking down the file into smaller, reusable components for better maintainability.

Documenting API Endpoints

The heart of API documentation lies in describing the endpoints accurately. It’s crucial to understand how the OpenAPI Specification helps in this process. Endpoints represent specific URLs that the API exposes, each having unique functionalities and interactions.

The OpenAPI Specification provides a structured way to describe these endpoints, their supported methods, parameters, request/response bodies, and more.

Documenting API Endpoints Using OpenAPI Specification

When documenting API endpoints, it’s crucial to include key information such as the endpoint URL, HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), request/response formats (JSON, XML, etc.), and any required authentication or authorization mechanisms. Additionally, providing detailed descriptions of each parameter, including their data types, allowed values, and whether they are required or optional, is essential.

Following is an example demonstrating the inclusion of endpoint URL, HTTP methods, request/response formats, and authentication mechanisms in the OpenAPI Specification:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Sample API
version: 1.0.0
description: An example API with endpoint information

- url:

summary: Get a list of users
description: A list of users retrieved successfully
type: array
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
# ... other user attributes

summary: Create a new user
required: true
type: object
type: string
type: string
# ... other user attributes
description: User created successfully
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
# ... other user attributes

type: apiKey
in: header
name: X-API-Key

Including examples and code snippets can greatly enhance the documentation, as they provide real-world scenarios and demonstrate how to interact with the API endpoints. These examples should cover different use cases and showcase the expected request/response payloads.

Consistency and clarity are crucial when documenting API endpoints. Use a standardized format and structure to ensure that developers can easily navigate and understand the documentation. Additionally, consider using markdown or other formatting options to improve readability and organization.

Parameter Definitions and Data Types

When documenting API endpoints, providing clear and accurate parameter definitions is essential. Parameters define the inputs that users need to provide when making requests to the API. They can be query parameters, path parameters, or request body parameters.

For each parameter, it’s important to include a clear description of its purpose and how it should be used. Specify whether the parameter is required or optional, and provide any constraints or validation rules that apply. This helps developers understand the expected inputs and ensures that their requests comply with the API’s requirements.

In addition to descriptions, specifying the data type of each parameter is crucial. Data types define the format and structure of the parameter values. Common data types include:

String: Textual data, such as names, addresses, or descriptions.

Number: Numeric values, including integers, decimals, or floating-point numbers.

Boolean: Represents true/false values.

Object: A complex data structure consisting of multiple properties and values.

Array: A collection of values of the same type.

In some cases, parameters may have enumerated values, meaning they can only accept specific predefined values. It’s crucial to document these allowed values to ensure that developers are aware of the valid options.

Consider providing additional information about parameter formats, such as date/time formats, regular expressions for string patterns, or any specific requirements for numeric values (e.g., minimum or maximum values).

Here’s an example demonstrating parameter definitions and various data types in the OpenAPI Specification:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Sample API
version: 1.0.0
description: An example API with parameter definitions and data types

- url:

summary: Get a user by ID
- name: userId
in: path
description: ID of the user to fetch
required: true
type: integer

description: User details retrieved successfully
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: integer
type: boolean
type: string
format: date-time
type: array
type: string
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- active
- inactive

type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: object
type: integer
type: integer

This example includes:

  • OpenAPI version, info, and servers.
  • An endpoint /users with a GET method that requires a userId parameter in the path to fetch user details.
  • Response data schema for user details containing various data types such as integers, strings, boolean, date-time format, array, object, and an enum.
  • The components section includes schemas for Error and Pagination.

Here’s another example demonstrating the use of enum and arrays in the OpenAPI Specification:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Sample API
version: 1.0.0
description: An example API with enum and arrays

- url:

summary: Get products by category
- name: category
in: query
description: Filter products by category
required: true
type: string
enum: [electronics, clothing, books, sports]

description: List of products retrieved successfully
type: array
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: number
type: boolean
type: array
type: string

Enum Declaration Best Practices

When declaring enum in the OpenAPI Specification, it’s essential to follow some best practices for clarity, consistency, and ease of understanding. Here are some recommended best practices:

  1. Use Descriptive Enum Names: Name enum descriptively to indicate their purpose and the values they represent. This enhances readability and comprehension.
  2. Provide Detailed Descriptions: Include descriptions for enum values to clarify their meaning or usage.
  3. Keep Enum Values Consistent: Maintain consistency in the naming convention, formatting, and case sensitivity for enum values.
  4. Use Enum for Closed Sets: Employ enum for closed sets of values where a property can take only specific, predefined options.
  5. Use Enums for String Types: Particularly when dealing with string types, enum help enforce specific, allowed values and prevent errors.
  6. Consider Simplicity: Keep enum simple and limit the number of values to make the API clearer and more manageable.

Here’s an example demonstrating some of these best practices:

type: string
- active
- inactive
- suspended
- deleted
description: Status of the user account

In this example:

  • UserStatus is a descriptive name for the enum representing user account status.
  • Enum values are provided along with a description for clarity.
  • The enum restricts the UserStatus property to only accept the specified values.

Response Definitions and Status Codes

When documenting API endpoints, it is crucial to provide clear and comprehensive information about the responses that the API can return. Defining response structures and specifying appropriate HTTP status codes help developers understand the expected output and handle different scenarios effectively.

Response Definitions:

For each API endpoint, document the possible response structures. This includes specifying the data type and structure of the response body. Common response formats include JSON and XML. Provide clear descriptions of each field in the response, explaining its purpose and the data it contains. Use examples to illustrate the expected response structure for different scenarios.

Response Definitions and Status Codes

Status Codes:

HTTP status codes are used to indicate the outcome of an API request. They provide information about whether the request was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action. Some commonly used status codes are:

  • 2xx Success: These status codes (e.g., 200 OK) indicate that the request was successfully processed and returned the expected result.
  • 3xx Redirection: These codes (e.g., 301 Moved Permanently) indicate that the requested resource has been moved or redirected to a different location.
  • 4xx Client Errors: These codes (e.g., 400 Bad Request) indicate that the request was invalid or could not be processed due to client-side errors.
  • 5xx Server Errors: These codes (e.g., 500 Internal Server Error) indicate that an error occurred on the server-side while processing the request.

Here’s an example demonstrating various possible response structures within the OpenAPI Specification:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Sample API
version: 1.0.0
description: Example API with possible response structures

- url:

summary: Get a list of items
description: Successful response
type: array
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
description: Items not found
type: object
type: string
description: Internal server error
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'

type: object
type: integer
type: string

In this example:

  • An endpoint /items with a GET method retrieves a list of items.
  • Different possible response structures are defined using response codes such as 200, 404, and 500.
  • The 200 response returns a list of items in JSON format.
  • The 404 response returns a message when the items are not found.
  • The 500 response references an Error schema defined in the components section, providing structured error details.

When documenting API endpoints, clearly specify the possible status codes that can be returned by each endpoint. Explain the meaning of each status code and provide guidance on how developers should handle them. For example, suggest appropriate actions for handling errors or redirections.

It’s also helpful to include examples of response payloads for different status codes. This helps developers understand the expected structure and data in the response for each possible outcome.

Security Definitions

When documenting APIs, it’s important to provide clear and comprehensive security definitions to guide developers on how to secure their requests and protect sensitive data. Security definitions help ensure that API consumers understand the necessary measures to authenticate, authorize, and secure their interactions with the API.

Security Definitions

Here are some key aspects to consider when documenting security definitions:

  1. Authentication Methods: Specify the available authentication methods supported by the API. This could include options such as API keys, OAuth 2.0, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), or basic authentication. Explain how each method works, what credentials or tokens are required, and how to include them in API requests.
  2. Authorization: Define the authorization mechanisms used by the API to control access to different resources and actions. This could involve roles, scopes, or permissions that dictate what users or applications are allowed to do. Provide guidance on how to obtain and include authorization tokens or credentials in requests.
  3. Secure Communication: Emphasize the importance of using secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS, to encrypt data transmitted between the client and the API server. Explain the potential risks of using unencrypted connections and highlight the benefits of securing sensitive data.
  4. Input Validation: Educate developers about the significance of input validation to prevent common security vulnerabilities like injection attacks or cross-site scripting (XSS). Encourage them to validate and sanitize user inputs to ensure data integrity and protect against potential attacks.
  5. Rate Limiting: If the API implements rate limiting to prevent abuse or unauthorized access, document the rules and restrictions associated with it. Specify any limits on the number of requests, time intervals, or any other relevant parameters.
  6. Data Privacy: Discuss how the API handles and protects user data. Explain any privacy measures in place, such as data anonymization or compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Help developers understand their responsibilities in handling and securing user data.

Here’s an example demonstrating security definitions within the OpenAPI Specification:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Secure API
version: 1.0.0
description: Example API with security definitions

- url:

summary: Access secure endpoint
- apiKeyAuth: []
description: Successful access
description: Unauthorized

type: apiKey
in: header
name: X-API-Key

In this example:

  • An endpoint /secure-endpoint is specified with a GET method, requiring security for access.
  • Security is enforced using an API key, specified within the security section for the endpoint.
  • The components section defines a security scheme named apiKeyAuth, which uses an API key located in the header with the name X-API-Key

Additionally, if your API provides additional security features like encryption, secure token handling, or multi-factor authentication, provide clear explanations and instructions on how to utilize them effectively.

Integrating OpenAPI Specification

Integrating the OpenAPI Specification into your API development process brings standardization, automation, and improved collaboration. It helps streamline API documentation, code generation, testing, and governance, ultimately leading to more efficient development and better overall API quality.

Here are some key aspects to consider when integrating the OpenAPI Specification:

  1. API Documentation: The OAS serves as a comprehensive and standardized documentation for your API. By writing the API specification using the OAS, you can generate interactive and user-friendly documentation automatically. This documentation helps developers understand how to interact with your API and facilitates easier integration.
  2. Client Code Generation: The OAS can be used to generate client SDKs (Software Development Kits) in various programming languages. These SDKs provide pre-built functions and classes that make it easier for developers to consume your API. By integrating the OAS, you can automate the generation of client code, saving development time and effort.
  3. Server Stub Generation: In addition to client code, the OAS can also be used to generate server stubs. Server stubs provide a starting point for developing the server-side implementation of your API. They can generate boilerplate code, routing mechanisms, and request handling based on the OAS specification, accelerating development and ensuring consistency.
  4. API Testing: The OAS can be leveraged to generate API test cases or to automate API testing. By using the OAS, you can generate test cases that cover various endpoints, parameters, and response scenarios defined in the specification. This helps ensure comprehensive test coverage and reduces the effort required to create and maintain test cases.
  5. API Mocking: The OAS can be used to generate API mocks or virtual endpoints. These mocks simulate the behavior of the API even before it is fully implemented. This allows frontend and mobile developers to start building their applications without having to wait for the backend implementation to be completed. API mocking enables parallel development and faster iterations.
  6. API Governance: The OAS provides a structured way to define and enforce API governance policies. By adhering to the OAS, your API can enforce standard practices such as consistent endpoint naming, parameter validation, and authentication mechanisms. This ensures consistency and improves the overall quality of your API.
  7. API Versioning: The OAS supports versioning, allowing you to document and manage multiple versions of your API. By integrating versioning into the OAS, you can clearly define and communicate changes between versions, making it easier for clients to upgrade or migrate to newer versions of the API.


  1. Understanding the OpenAPI Specification
  2. Best Practices for API Documentation
  3. Swagger Validator

