Start Building a Research Plan: Project Background, Research Goals, and Research Questions

Jamal Eddine darify
3 min readNov 10, 2023

The success of any research study hinges on a well-crafted research plan, where the project background, research goals, and research questions serve as cornerstones. In this article, we will delve into the significance of each of these elements and guide you on how to effectively shape them for a robust research endeavor.

1. The Project Background:

# Why is the project background crucial for your research plan?

- Alignment and Clarity: Establishing a project background ensures a shared understanding among the research team, fostering alignment and clarity on the study’s objectives.

- Agreement on Purpose: Before delving into the study, it’s essential for the team to collectively agree on the purpose. This shared understanding sets the tone for the research journey.

- Confidence and Trust: A well-defined project background instills confidence in the research process, showcasing your grasp of the research’s significance and potential impact.

- Communication to Stakeholders: Clear project background becomes invaluable when communicating research findings to stakeholders, providing context for informed decision-making.

# How to create an effective project background:

- Identify Signals: Clearly articulate the reasons for conducting the research and the specific problem you aim to address.

- Previous Research: Provide insights into any past research or attempted solutions related to the problem, emphasizing their contributions to understanding the issue.

- Insights: Clearly outline the expected insights from the research and explain how these insights will be applied to inform decision-making.

2. Research Goals:

# Why are research goals critical in a research plan?

- Guiding Purpose: Research goals define the purpose of the study, offering a clear guide for all research activities and decisions.

- Understanding the Bigger Picture: These goals help contextualize the research, offering a broader understanding of what you aim to achieve and what success looks like.

# Developing research goals based on the project phase:

- Foundational Research: If conducted before design, focus on understanding the user problem and validating the need for a product.

- Design Research: During the design phase, research goals guide the creation and refinement of the product’s design and features.

- Post-launch Research: For products already launched, goals revolve around assessing whether the product meets its intended objectives.

3. Research Questions:

# Why are research questions fundamental in your research plan?

- Guidance: Research questions provide direction and structure, ensuring the study stays focused and aligned with its objectives.

- Focus: They help prioritize research efforts by concentrating on the most critical aspects of the study.

# Guidelines for crafting effective research questions:

- Actionable: Ensure questions are actionable, leading to a clear path for finding answers.

- Specific: Formulate specific questions to yield more meaningful data.

- Avoid Leading Questions: Phrase questions neutrally to prevent bias and encourage unbiased responses.

# Considering the research method:

  • Quantitative Research: Focuses on quantifiable data, often involving numerical data and statistics.
  • Qualitative Research: Concentrates on understanding the “why” and “how,” utilizing descriptive narratives and observations.

In conclusion, by carefully constructing your project background, research goals, and research questions, you lay a solid foundation for a successful research study. This thoughtful planning ensures clarity, alignment, and meaningful insights, setting the stage for informed decision-making and impactful outcomes.



Jamal Eddine darify

Exploring UX, Salesforce, & personal growth. Join me on a journey where design, tech, and self-improvement converge.