Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

Wellmade Remedies
3 min readJan 14, 2018


It has been long time since people consider green tea one of the healthiest beverages in the world to apply for many health purposes. It is the the fact that green tea is first originated from China and eventually spread through Asia that bring about a lot of health benefits of green tea that you might not know.

Making use of green tea is also very simple as you only need one cup of green tea every day to deal with a lot of health and skin issue that you might not know.

The reason for this is that it has high amount of antioxidants as well as poly-phenols, which are known to beneficial to your skin as well as other parts of your body.

Given below are some natural health benefits of green tea you had better knowing, which is quite alike some readily staples in your pantry. Some of them you might have already know are health benefits of garlic, health benefits of coffee.

1. Lower the risk of cancer — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

It is in Japan that green tea has been made one of the most favorite beverages daily. Due to this reason, the country has the lowest rate of cancer.
According to some studies, green tea can efficiently kill cancer cells without harming the healthy ones surround them. Consuming green tea is found to be the best way that give a helping hand in reducing the risk of various types of cancers namely breast cancer, prostate cancer.

You might not know but preventing cancer is also among health benefits of beets.

Apart from this, you can also make use of vinegar at home once you know Natural Health Benefits of Vinegar

2. COMBATS ALLERGIES — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea could be made as allergy season arsenal. All you need to do is to consume green liquid, which can efficiently help to provide relief almost instantly. People have long been regarding it as anti-allergenic, which can be used to deal with almost a lot of allergies symptoms.

You can also fight against allergies by using vinegar since this is among health benefits of vinegar.

3. Boosts Eyesight — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

Carrots have long been used to help you to have good eyesight. Along with that, it is the high concentration of antioxidants found in green tea can can efficiently help to penetrate the tissues of the eyes. This might help to produce antioxidant activity.

4. Lowers Cholesterol — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

Eating greasy foods is among the main cause triggering your health by increasing high cholesterol level. All you need to do is to replace unhealthy snacks as well as drink green tea daily, which can help you to keep your cholesterol levels at bay. Green tea has high concentration of powerful antioxidant, EGCG to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and help you to have healthier body.

This benefit of green tea might has something similar to Top Common Health Benefits of Coffee

5. Brain Enhancement — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

You will definitely find the increased connectivity in the cortices of the brain after consumption of green tea. Especially, green tea drinkers tend to have better memory than those who do not.

6. Heart Disease — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

Scientists also suppose that green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, which is known as the best way to help them stay relaxed as well as lower blood pressure.

Due to this reason, green tea is found to be effective way that help you to deal with heart attacks. This is also found as one of the most common health benefits of garlics.

7. UV PROTECTION — Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

It would be wise if you can include an extra pack of green tea along with sunscreen and sunglasses while visiting the beach. It is the catechins present in green tea that makes your skin more resistant to the effects of UV rays. Therefore, it can help you to deal with premature skin aging .

Besides, you can also find more health benefits of green tea at Skinny Pills Reviews



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