Keep Pushing Forward

Jamal Rippy
2 min readJun 21, 2018

In a world where everyone seems to be moving faster than you, achieving more than you, or “living their best life”. I’m here to tell you to keep pushing forward!


To the entrepreneur struggling to start his or her business, to the employee whose having trouble climbing the corporate ladder, to the person whose trying to find purpose with all of their heart and wanting to give up. I say to you, keep pushing forward. I know, I know. That’s easier said than done. But think about all of the hardships you had to overcome to get here. All of the hours of hard work that got you to this point. All of the heartache and headache that you’ve endured.

Don’t stress. Keep Going!

All of the unfairness you’ve experienced at your current dead end job, all of the micromanagement from managers that seemingly pick on you while other co-workers do nothing at all the whole shift, all of the tiresome workdays that lead to nights where you’re too tired to work on your dreams. I’m here to encourage you to keep pushing forward.

Pushing forward means showing the world that you’re unstoppable! Pushing forward shows your doubters, oppressors, and the obstacles that come along the way that you are here to stay and there’s absolutely nothing that…



Jamal Rippy

A lover of God, A husband, Cinematographer, Web Designer, Motivator and Founder of Blank Canvas. Check us out: