DIY Laundry Detergent: A Simple Guide

Jamee Angela Haven Newman
5 min readJun 16, 2024

In this era of trends its not dance challenges that go viral on TikTok. One of the crazes sweeping the platform is the DIY household product trend, homemade laundry detergent. Wondering what’s, behind this surge in interest? Well creating your detergent isn’t just budget friendly — it’s also environmentally friendly. Can be customized to suit your preferences. Ready to join in on the fun? Lets explore the laundry detergent recipe and learn how you can easily whip it up at home.

Required Ingredients

Before we begin lets gather all our ingredients. You’ll need;

Washing Soda; This ingredient helps to soften water and boost the cleaning effectiveness of your detergent.
Baking Soda; Known for its cleansing properties baking soda also works as a deodorizer.
Borax (Optional); Provides cleaning power. Helps brighten clothes.
Grated Bar Soap; Opt, for Castile soap Fels Naptha or any natural bar soap of your choice.
Essential Oils (Optional); To add a pleasant scent consider incorporating a few drops of your preferred essential oils.

Where, to Purchase; You can easily find these items at your grocery store. Order them online. Common retailers such as Walmart, Target and even Amazon carry all the supplies.

Photo by PlanetCare on Unsplash

Essential Tools

Now that we have gathered our ingredients lets discuss the tools you will require;

  • Grater; Use this to grate the bar soap.
  • Mixing Bowl; A bowl for combining all the ingredients.
  • Measuring Cups; For measurement of each ingredient.
  • Airtight Storage Container; Keep your detergent moisture free in this container.
  • Mixing Spoon or Spatula; Use this to thoroughly mix all the ingredients.

Step by Step Guide

Excited to begin? Follow these instructions to create your washing detergent;

Step 1; Grate the Bar Soap

Start by grating your bar soap into flakes. Though it may seem time consuming this step is essential for ensuring dissolving in your washing machine. Use a cheese grater for this task. If the soap is too hard you can soften it by microwaving it for a seconds.

Tip; Grate the soap over wax paper or a tray, for cleanup.

Step 2; Measure the ingredients

First you need to measure out the washing soda baking soda and borax. A good guideline is;
1 cup of washing soda
1 cup of borax (if desired)
1/2 cup of baking soda

Thoroughly mix these ingredients in your bowl.

Step 3; Combine the Ingredients

Mix the soap, with the components in your mixing bowl. Stir everything together until you achieve a blend of soap flakes and powders.

Reminder; Ensure mixing to prevent clumping. Consistent cleaning power is essential for each scoop of detergent.

Step 4; Incorporate Essential Oils (If Desired)

For a scent in your detergent consider adding oils at this stage. Include around 10 15 drops of your oils to the mixture. Popular choices include lavender, lemon or eucalyptus.

Tip; Experiment with combining oils for a custom fragrance, such as lavender and peppermint or lemon and eucalyptus.

Step 5; Transfer to a Container, for Storage

Once all components are combined transfer your DIY detergent into an airtight storage container to maintain freshness and dryness.

Storage Advice;
Remember to label your container with the date. The ingredients used, especially if you’ve added oils. This way you can easily recall when you created it and whats stored inside.

Using Your Homemade Detergent

Utilizing your DIY detergent is just as simple, as creating it. For a laundry load use 1 2 tablespoons of the detergent. If you have a efficiency (HE) washing machine, opt for less –, around 1 tablespoon should do the trick.

Pro Tip; For soiled loads consider adding a tablespoon of detergent or pre soaking the clothes in a mixture of detergent and water before washing.

Advantages of Making Your Own Washing Detergent

So why invest time in crafting your detergent? Here are some compelling reasons;

Cost Efficiency

Off the shelf detergents can be quite expensive especially if you prefer eco hypoallergenic varieties. Creating your detergent is more economical. The ingredients are budget friendly and a little goes a long way.

Environmental Advantages

Many commercial detergents come in plastic containers. Contain chemicals that can harm the environment. DIY detergent helps reduce waste and enables you to select biodegradable components.
Creating Your Detergent

One great aspect of crafting your detergent is the freedom to tailor it to suit your preferences. Whether you lean towards fragrance free or have a scent, in mind you’re in charge of customizing your detergent.

Helpful Suggestions and Problem Solving

with a recipe you might run into a few bumps in the road. Here are some pointers and practical solutions;

Preventing Residue Build Up

At times DIY detergents can leave residue on clothing or inside the washing machine. To avoid this issue remember to;
- Use the amount of detergent.
- Occasionally run a wash cycle with vinegar to cleanse your washing machine.
- Consider adding a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle for better residue removal.

Adapting for Sensitive Skin

If you or your loved ones have skin you may opt out of using borax and essential oils. Stick with washing soda baking soda and a mild unscented bar soap.

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Common Errors to Steer Clear Of

  • Overusing detergent; Remember that more doesn’t always mean better.
  • Excessive use can lead to accumulation.
  • Incomplete mixing; Ensure blending of all ingredients, for cleaning effectiveness
  • When creating your laundry detergent it’s important to grate the soap and mix it thoroughly to ensure its effectiveness.

In conclusion crafting your DIY laundry detergent can be an fulfilling activity. Not does it help you save money. It also allows you to contribute to a more eco friendly environment while having full knowledge of the ingredients, in your detergent. Give it a shot and share your experience on media — you might inspire others to join the DIY detergent movement

If you’re someone who enjoys guides consider browsing TikTok for videos on making homemade laundry detergent. Many content creators offer tutorials that can walk you through each step of the process. You can also capture before and after photos of your clothes to witness the impact of your DIY detergent.

In the spirit of camaraderie and sharing remember to show support for and follow the creators who motivated you.. Keep an eye out for tips, on budget friendly living and DIY projects right here. Happy laundering!

