Eco-Warriors — How Large is Your Footprint?

Garrett James
4 min readFeb 13, 2021


“Act #For Nature” — Nzambi Matee: Paving the Way to a Green Future (5)

Nzambi Matee, a brilliant woman from Kenya, has founded Gjenge Makers: a company dedicated to recycling plastic waste into building products. Gjenge Makers has recycled more than 20 tonnes (a bit heavier than US “tons”) of plastic waste. Nzambi wanted to find a way to use the plastic waste companies would have to pay to dispose of. Nzambi and her team have stepped up to the plate, showing that sustainability is more possible if we help from the source.

Nzambi and Gjenge Engineers —

When looking at this company, I am very inspired to do better, however, I also recognize certain challenges may arise. People have arrived at a point in time where taste palettes are very distinct. As I scroll through Gjenge Makers’ website, I notice their bricks and building products have a very specific style. There is a stigma around building with recycled materials like they are dirty or not new. Perhaps people simply do not understand the science behind it. We need people to be made more aware of companies like this. Awareness and knowledge are two things the general population needs to have regarding any green company. There is no reason to resist it. Most people put chemicals in their body from processed food that are worse than sand and recyclable plastics being turned into walkways or bricks for houses. Additionally, this would be a low-cost way to build future housing. We need to limit our use of resources that crowd the earth full of toxins and plastics. As Nzambi said, “act for nature,” because if we do not, we will not have anything to act for.

Footprint Coalition (14)

Social Media Activism. Sometimes, I find that celebrities choose causes to stand behind to show their followers. However, is this true activism if they are capable of more? Robert Downey Jr. has launched a company called the “Footprint Coalition” as a way to invest in the future of a sustainable earth. A coalition on matters such as climate change and the future of our planet is a positive force that works for a better tomorrow. This development works as a way to invest in companies working to restore the earth. Not only do they invest, but they also give grants and work alongside non-profit organizations.

“Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved,” — Mattie Stepanek. What is the fastest way to get us unified towards restoration? Leading figures like Robert Downey Jr. By having well known “Celebrities” use their platform, we then have a direct channel to major parts of the public. Coalitions such as the Footprint Coalition are working on a common goal for the better. They include quarterly newsletters to their investors letting them know how they are investing the funding. I admire the two sides of this company: venture capital and non-profit. I would question where this money was going and how it is used if it was not for the transparency they have chosen to give. Not to mention Robert Downey Jr. already has plenty of money. Footprint Coalition is not just the use of big names for big money, it is investing, advancing technology, and solving the issues we face as a collective unit by funding and assisting organizations in the United States.

Footprint Coalition —

Sizing My Shoes — How Large is My Carbon Footprint? (16)

Shocking. As much as waste is talked about, I fail to consider my own. This week, I used the Footprint Calculator to determine my carbon footprint. It asks questions regarding things such as my family size, electrical use, trash and recycling habits, and travel by plane, train, car, and bus. Each person would respond with how often or how little they meet said questions or answer the question in a mathematical measurement. After answering these questions in detail, this tool gives a calculated answer as to what, under gathered conditions, my carbon footprint is.

My results —

My personal “earth overshoot day” was April 24th. If everyone in the world were to have the same carbon footprint as me, we would need 3 and a half earths. I felt defeated when I read this. I genuinely try to be mindful of my plastic waste, recycling, and use of electricity. My roommates also accommodate for a greener footprint. However, I fly multiple times a year, contribute to air pollution by train, bus, and car. Just because I do not own a car does not mean my use of public transit has zero effect. I learned that, if I want to live to 90, I have to take better care of myself and my environment. I do not know if I would say this tool is completely accurate as some responses do not give room for enough variables. However, I learned a great amount about how carbon emissions are measured as well as how I compare to other Americans and those in other countries when it comes to waste. It was an eye-opening experience to take a moment to acknowledge my own impact.



Garrett James

The New School - Beyond iCelebrities